Friday, 11 March 2011

japan earthquake Tsunami Alert google homepage for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii 2011

japan earthquake Tsunami Alert on the google homepage for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii. 11-3-11.

this is what greeted me this morning when turning on the google search engine homepage, was a warning underneath the search box, basically after a major earthquake hit japan there is a tsunami alert warning for countries New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others for 11,3,2011.

this is what is printed on the google web search browser home page.

"Tsunami Alert for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others. Waves expected over the next few hours, caused by 8.9 earthquake in Japan."

so basically is warning to people who live in those countries or surrounding areas to be prepared for possible tsunamis.

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