Saturday, 31 December 2011
happy new year's 2012 to all countries of the world today list below and pictures for 2012 and famous music video song you will all know?
have a happy new year's 2012 and happy new year's eve tonight, to all the countries here is as big a list as i can come up with to say happy new year to you all in 2012 and of course a video of a important song that is sung on new years eve at the bottom of the page (can you guess what song it is at the bottom of the page? you will here this music if you go out tonight on new year's eve 2012?) and some firework pictures as celebration.
in the spirit of new year's eve i have tried my best not to leave any country out in the world, but if your country is not on the list then leave a comment in the comments section at the bottom of the page it is easy to post messages/comments you do not need to register to do so and can post a comment to this blog anonymous as well.
and also use this page for a bit of a 2012 new year comment forum as well, what are your wishes for next year?, and for the world, post a comment.
so a happy new year's 2012 to all the countries of the world, as it happens at different times over the globe, according to each countries time frame and location.
happy new year 2012 to
Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanestan
Albania Albanie Shqiperia
Algeria Algérie Al Jaza'ir
American Samoa Samoa Américaines American Samoa
Andorra Andorre Andorra
Angola Angola Angola
Anguilla Anguilla Anguilla
Antarctica Antarctique Antarctica
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua-et-Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina Argentine Argentina
Armenia Arménie Hayastan
Aruba Aruba Aruba
Ascension Island Îles d'Ascension Ascension
Australia Australie Australia
Austria Autriche Österreich
Azerbaijan Azerbaïdjan Azarbaycan
Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas
Bahrain Bahreïn Al Bahrayn
Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh
Barbados Barbade Barbados
Belarus Bélarus Byelarus
Belgium Belgique Belgique/Belgie
Belize Belize Belize
Benin Bénin Benin
Bermuda Bermudes Bermuda
Bhutan Bhoutan Bhutan
Bolivia Bolivie Bolivia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnie-Herzégovine Bosna i Hercegovina
Botswana Botswana Botswana
Bouvet Island Île Bouvet Bouvet Island
Brazil Brésil Brasil
British Indian Ocean Territory Territoire Britannique de l' Océan Indien abbreviation: BIOT
Brunei Darussalam Brunéi Darussalam Negara Brunei Darussalam
Bulgaria Bulgarie Bulgaria
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
Burundi Burundi Burundi
Cambodia Cambodge Kampuchea
Cameroon Cameroun Cameroon
Canada Canada Canada
Cape Verde Cap-Vert Cabo Verde
Cayman Islands Caïmanes, Îles Cayman Islands
Central African Republic Centrafricaine, République Republique Centrafricaine
Chad Tchad Tchad
Chile Chili Chile
China Chine Zhong Guo
Christmas Island Île Christmas Christmas Island
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Îles Cocos (Keeling) Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Colombia Colombie Colombia
Comoros Comores Comores
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) Congo, La République Démocratique du République Démocratique du Congo Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) République du Congo République du Congo
Cook Islands Îles Cook Cook Islands
Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica
Ivory Coast Côte D'ivoire Cote d'Ivoire
Croatia Croatie Hrvatska
Cuba Cuba Cuba
Cyprus Chypre Kibris, Kypros
Czech Republic République Tchèque Ceska Republika
Denmark Danemark Danmark
Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti
Dominica Dominique Dominica
Dominican Republic Dominicaine, République Dominicana, Republica
East Timor Timor-Leste Timor-Leste (Timor Oriental) Timor
Ecuador Équateur Ecuador
Egypt Égypte Misr
El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea Guinée Équatoriale Guinea Ecuatorial
Eritrea Érythrée Hagere Ertra
Estonia Estonie Eesti Vabariik
Ethiopia Éthiopie Ityop'iya
Falkland Islands Falkland, Îles (Malvinas) Islas Malvinas
Faroe Islands Îles Féroé Foroyar
Fiji Fidji Fiji
Finland Finlande Suomen Tasavalta
France France France
French Guiana Guyane Française Guyane
French Metropolitan France Métropolitaine France Métropolitaine
French Polynesia Polynésie Française Polynésie Française
French Southern Territories Terres Australes Françaises Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises
Gabon Gabon Gabon
Gambia Gambie The Gambia
Georgia Géorgie Sak'art'velo
Germany Allemagne Deutschland
Ghana Ghana Ghana
Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar
Great Britain Grande-Bretagne Great Britain
Greece Grèce Ellas or Ellada
Greenland Groenland Kalaallit Nunaat
Grenada Grenade Grenada
Guadeloupe Guadeloupe Guadeloupe
Guam Guam Guam
Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala
Guernsey Guernesey Guernsey
Guinea Guinéee Guinee
Guinea-Bissau Guinée-Bissau Guine-Bissau
Guyana Guyana Guyana
Haiti Haïti Haiti
Heard and Mc Donald Islands Île Heard et Îles Mcdonald Heard and Mc Donald
Holy See Saint-Siège (État de la Cité du Vatican) Status Civitatis Vaticanæ
Honduras Honduras Honduras
Hong Kong Hong-Kong Xianggang
Hungary Hongrie Magyarorszag
Iceland Islande Lyoveldio Island
India Inde Bharat
Indonesia Indonésie Indonesia
Iran (Islamic Republic of) République Islamique d' Iran Iran
Iraq Iraq Iraq
Ireland Irlande Éire
Isle of Man Île de Man Isle of Man
Israel Israël Yisra'el
Italy Italie Italia
Jamaica Jamaïque Jamaica
Japan Japon Nippon
Jersey Jersey Jersey
Jordan Jordanie Al Urdun
Kazakhstan Kazakstan Qazaqstan
Kenya Kenya Kenya
Kiribati Kiribati Kiribati, Kiribas
Korea, Democratic People's Rep. (North Korea) Corée, République Populaire Démocratique de Choson
Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Corée, République de Han-guk
Kosovo Kosovo Albanian: : Kosova ou Kosovë, Serbian: Kosovo, Косово
Kuwait Koweït Al Kuwayt
Kyrgyzstan Kirghizistan Kyrgyz Respublikasy
Lao, People's Democratic Republic Lao, République Démocratique Populaire Lao
Latvia Lettonie Latvija
Lebanon Liban Lubnan
Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho
Liberia Libéria Liberia
Libya Libye Libiyah
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Lithuania Lituanie Lietuva
Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg, Letzebuerg
Macau Macao Aomen
Macedonia, Rep. of Macédoine, l'ex-République Yougoslave de Makedonija
Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar
Malawi Malawi Malawi
Malaysia Malaisie Malaysia
Maldives Maldives Dhivehi Raajje
Mali Mali Mali
Malta Malte Malta
Marshall Islands Îles Marshall Marshall Islands
Martinique Martinique Martinique
Mauritania Mauritanie Muritaniyah
Mauritius Île Maurice Mauritius
Mayotte Mayotte Mayotte
Mexico Mexique Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Micronesia, Federal States of États Fédérés de Micronésie Micronesia
Moldova, Republic of Moldova, République de Moldova
Monaco Monaco Monaco
Mongolia Mongolie Mongol Uls
Montenegro Monténégro Crna Gora
Montserrat Montserrat Montserrat
Morocco Maroc Al Maghrib
Mozambique Mozambique Mocambique
Myanmar, Burma Myanmar, Birmanie Myanma Naingngandaw
Namibia Namibie Namibia
Nauru Nauru Nauru
Nepal Népal Nepal
Netherlands Pays-Bas Nederland/Holland
Netherlands Antilles Antilles Néerlandaises Nederlandse Antillen
New Caledonia Nouvelle-Calédonie Nouvelle-Calédonie
New Zealand Nouvelle-Zélande Aotearoa
Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua
Niger Niger Niger
Nigeria Nigéria Nigeria
Niue Nioué Niue
Norfolk Island Norfolk, Île Norfolk Island
Northern Mariana Islands Îles Mariannes du Nord Northern Mariana Islands
Norway Norvège Norge
Oman Oman Saltanat Uman
Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan
Palau Palaos Belau
Palestinian National Authority Autorité Nationale Palestinienne FilastinPanama Panama Panama
Papua New Guinea Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée Papua Niu Gini
Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay
Peru Pérou Peru
Philippines Philippines Pilipinas
Pitcairn Island Pitcairn Pitcairn Island
Poland Pologne Polska
Portugal Portugal Portugal
Puerto Rico Porto Rico Puerto Rico
Qatar Qatar Dawlat Qatar
Reunion Island Ile de la Réunion Ile de la Réunion
Romania Roumanie Romania
Russian Federation Russie, Fédération de Rossiya
Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda
Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis
Saint Lucia Sainte-Lucie Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines
Samoa Samoa Samoa
San Marino Saint-Marin San Marino
Sao Tome and Príncipe Sao Tomé-et-Principe Sao Tome e Principe
Saudi Arabia Arabie Saoudite Al Arabiyah as Suudiyah
Senegal Sénégal Senegal
Serbia Serbie Srbija
Seychelles Seychelles Seychelles
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
Singapore Singapour Singapore
Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovaquie Slovensko
Slovenia Slovénie Slovenija
Solomon Islands Salomon, Îles Solomon Islands
Somalia Somalie Somalia
South Africa Afrique du Sud South Africa
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Géorgie du Sud et les Îles Sandwich du Sud
South Sudan Soudan du Sud South Sudan
Spain Espagne España
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Saint Helena Sainte-Hélène Saint Helena
St. Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
Sudan Soudan As-Sudan
Suriname Suriname Suriname
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Svalbard et Île Jan Mayen Spitzbergen
Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland
Sweden Suède Sverige
Switzerland Suisse Schweiz (German), Suisse (French), Svizzera (Italian)
Syria, Syrian Arab Republic Syrienne, République Arabe Suriyah
Taiwan (Republic of China) Taïwan, Province de Chine T'ai-wan
Tajikistan Tadjikistan Jumhurii Tojikiston
Tanzania Tanzanie, République-Unie de Tanzania
Thailand Thaïlande Prathet Thai
Tibet Tibet Bod 2012 news happy new year
Timor-Leste (East Timor) Timor-Leste (Timor Oriental) Timor
Togo Togo Republique Togolaise
Tokelau Tokelau Tokelau
Tonga Tonga Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago Trinité-et-Tobago Trinidad, Tobago
Tunisia Tunisie Tunis
Turkey Turquie Turkiye
Turkmenistan Turkménistan Turkmenistan
Turks and Caicos Islands Turks et Caïques, Îles Turks and Caicos Islands
Tuvalu Tuvalu Tuvalu
Uganda Ouganda Uganda
Ukraine Ukraine Ukrayina
United Arab Emirates Émirats Arabes Unis Al Imarat al Arabiyah al Muttahidah
United Kingdom Royaume-Uni United Kingdom
United States États-Unis United States
U.S. Minor Outlying Islands Îles Mineures Éloignées des États-Unis U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
Uruguay Uruguay Republica Oriental del Uruguay
Uzbekistan Ouzbékistan Uzbekiston Respublikasi
Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu 2012 news happy new year
Vatican City State (Holy See) Saint-Siège (État de la Cité du Vatican) Status Civitatis Vaticanæ
Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela
Vietnam Viêt Nam Viet Nam
Virgin Islands (British) Îles Vierges Britanniques
Virgin Islands (U.S.) Îles Vierges des États-Unis Virgin Islands
Wallis and Futuna Islands Wallis et Futuna Wallis et Futuna
Western Sahara Sahara Occidental
Yemen Yémen Al Yaman
Zaire (see Congo, Democratic People's Republic) Zaïre Zaire
Zambia Zambie Zambia
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Monday, 26 December 2011
lady gaga 2012 world concert tour dates not announced and locations not yet known but tickets will sell fast possible 2013 dates as well
lady gaga has announced that she will be doing a world concert tour in 2012, and the dates announced at the moment are sketchy, but lady gaga has said the tour will start in early 2012, so this is something for fans to go on that the lady gaga 2012 world tour is a definite and starts early next year.
from most accounts the tour is going to be called "born this way, monster ball i'll tour".
so far i do not think the locations for this lady gaga world tour are known, but obviously it will most probably be in the big popular concert venues and major cities and locations of the world.
what is known is that when the tour and locations are fully announced tickets for the lady gaga world tour 2012 will sell very fast and so fans are advised to keep up to date with any details.
when the tour is fully announced if anyone wants to update the comments section at the bottom of this page with the ticket and location details of the lady gaga world tour 2012 they can.
it is easy to comment on this blog as well, you do not need to register to comment.
lady gaga has also hinted that she might try to break the world record for the longest ever tour with a 450 date tour, which would start off in asia and india then move to the united states america and europe and pretty much all big countries, and span over two years, so that tour would start in 2012 and run into 2013 as well.
so more accurately this sounds like it is going to be a full world tour taking in all major locations and cities from all the major countries of the world, of it is a 450 tour dates over 2 years, you should actually probably have very little trouble getting tickets for this lady gaga 2012 to 2013 world concert tour.
Sunday, 25 December 2011
prediction the most popular female celebrities of 2012 will amy childs kardashian or lady gaga?
here is a little prediction on who i think will be the most popular celebrities of 2012, there is a new mover and shaker on the list with amy childs who might be quite a big celeb in 2012, and i think a few previous ones who have been big the last few years will still dominate in 2012 as well, for example kim kardashian does not look losing her grip on fame just yet, neither do a few others, like lady gaga and oprah winfrey in 2012, leave your comments at the bottom of the page on who you think will be the top celebrity of 2012.
commenting is easy on this blog you do not need to register to comment either.
amy childs newest of the mega celebs that seem to be in every news story, amy childs popular in 2012
next years most popular celebrities amy childs 2012
now onto long time famous celebrities like oprah who has been at the top for over 20 years, whereas as a lot of celebrities just have short stints with fame, oprah winfrey 2012
oprah winfrey 2012 pictures
lady gaga one of the most popular singers of the last few years still looking like she will have a popular 2012 for lady gaga
still a top celebrity in 2012? leave your comments at the bottom of the page, lady gaga 2012 pictures
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
the hobbit an unexpected journey movie trailer 2012 release date and cast plus some pictures from the new trailer
the hobbit "an unexpected journey" movie trailer 2012, lord of the rings fans will be very pleased to hear that a new movie will be released this year, though fans will still have a long wait to see the film.
with google "guess" giving the film, the hobbit - an unexpected journey, a probably best guess release date of 14th december 2012.
so nearly a whole year away, but still there is a official trailer already released for this new lord of the rings movie to watch.
"Bilbo Baggins, a Hobbit, journeys to the Lonely Mountain accompanied by a group of dwarves to reclaim a treasure taken from them by the dragon Smaug."
who is in the new lord of the rings 2012 movie "the hobbit an unexpected journey" you ask?, here is the cast for the new movie lots of familiar faces.
Martin Freeman
Ian McKellen
Richard Armitage
Graham McTavish
Andy Serkis
Christopher Lee
Benedict Cumberbatch
Hugo Weaving
James Nesbitt
Orlando Bloom
Ian Holm
Elijah Wood
these are pictures of the cast of actors in the new film from the recently released trailer, most you will recognize from the original lord of the rings films, who are also in the new film the hobbit an unexpected journey 2012
Ian McKellen as gandalf picture
all the best from the original cast of lord of the rings are to be found in the new film "the hobbit an unexpected journey" released in december 2012, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Graham McTavish, Andy Serkis, Christopher Lee, Benedict Cumberbatch, Hugo Weaving, James Nesbitt, Orlando Bloom, Ian Holm, Elijah Wood
Martin Freeman picture
this is a video of the cast list putting names to faces and the name of the character they play in the movie
The Hobbit Movie 2012 cast list
the main actors and parts in the hobbit movie are as follows:
Cate Blanchett as Galadriel
Luke Evans as Bard
Elijah Wood as Frodo
Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins
Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug / Necromancer
Andy Serkis as Gollum
Hugo Weaving as Elrond
Orlando Bloom as Legolas
Stephen Fry as Master of Laketown
Christopher Lee as Saruman
Evangeline Lilly as Tauriel
Ian McKellen as Gandalf
Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield
Ian Holm as Old Bilbo
Lee Pace as King Thranduil
Aidan Turner as Kili
James Nesbitt as Bofur
Mikael Persbrandt as Beorn
Barry Humphries as Great Goblin
Graham McTavish as Dwalin
so it is now known that the release date for the hobbit movie is roughly around the 14th december 2012
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
new games coming out for xbox 360 and ps3 2012 january
here is a list for what is coming out in january 2012, new games coming out for xbox 360 and ps3.
these will be the most popular games released in january and some follow ons of previous classic and popular games.
games like final fantasy and soul calibur new versions, got the dates for these new games releases for january as well, these are the top games to look out for at the start of next year 2012.
release date 24th january 2012, very spooky computer game reminds me of resident evil quite a bit, Silent Hill HD Collection for xbox 360 and ps3
a game with amazing pictures and graphics that are life like in some ways for computer animation, release date 31st january 2012 Final Fantasy XIII-2 for xbox 360 and ps3
release date 31st january 2012 NeverDead for xbox 360 and ps3
release date 31st january 2012 Soul Calibur V for xbox 360 and ps3
released in january 2012 Anarchy Reigns for xbox 360 and ps3
Monday, 19 December 2011
is ron paul a 2012 american president possibility?
it seems that more and more news stories come out that ron paul is in with a chance of becoming the 2012 american president.
i remember 4 years ago there was a similar buzz around ron paul and him becoming the 2008 president by a lot of people, but of course that is all history and barack obama came out of nowhere and took the limelight away from all the other hopefuls.
this time around there is definitely a bigger buzz and following around ron paul then there was 4 years ago, but will ron paul just fizzle out in 2012, just like happened 4 years ago?.
this is what i think could happen anyway, as 4 years ago a lot of people were saying ron paul had a chance at becoming the 2008 american president, but in reality he had no chance, or enough money behind him, which seems to be the most important deciding factor on who becomes a united states president, barack obama had the money behind him 4 years ago and this is what really helped him get elected as president.
a picture of young ron paul below
the same again for 2012 i think it is which presidential candidate has the most money behind them, that will decide who becomes the 2012 president of the usa.
and i just do not see ron paul having enough financial backing in 2012 to be able to get a decent chance of becoming president of america in 2012.
of course it is still very early in the presidential race to be able to tell what is going to happen, and when guessing the outcome, hunches are all you have, a better picture should start emerging by the start of 2012.
in ron paul's favour his support base is definitely growing and his policies do ring true with a lot of american voters.
but, will the 2012 presidential elections be decided by money and seal ron paul's fait in the 2012 elections?.
kim jong il successor new leader son kim jong un will take over in 2012 north koreas leadership
kim jong il successor is his son kim jong un, but with a look at north korea's future does anyone think it will now change, that kim jong il's son kim jong un has taken charge of the country or will take over leadership of north korea in 2012?.
the thing with north korea though is that the country operates behind a kind of iron curtain a bit like how the old soviet union operated, and how china used to operate though china seems to have opened up more in recent years.
north korea however is kept in a kind of time warp, with the people denied things like internet access as not to allow them another viewpoint of the world they live in.
not much is known about the heir apparent and next leader of north korea kim jong un, accept he was educated at a english language school in switzerland and that he likes a lot of western entertainment and sports.
kim jong il also had two other older sons, but they were not the fathers favoured choices for leadership of north korea, they are called kim jong nam and kim jong chol.
here are some parodies for the new leader of north korea based on his last name "UN" he is UNelected, UNknown, UNpredictable and a "young un", and will he be unfriendly to the west?.
his name is also funny, as in the middle of funny, just something that popped into my head then.
but his name also is similar to the UN or united nations as well, kim jong un.
this is the previous leader of north korea and kim jong un's father kim jong il
the new leader of north korea in 2012 kim jong un
some more kim jong un pictures
i can see kim jong un being in the news quite regular now
this is who will be the new leader of north korea in 2012 kim jong un
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