what the green movement got wrong channel 4, this is a very good documentary i am watching right now on channel 4 and shows that the green movement used too much fear tactics in there message, and ended up causing more damage then good in a lot of areas.
one area that the green movement has had to take a look back over was there insistence that nuclear power should be avoided at all costs, and to stop america building 40 nuclear power stations per decade, which the green movement had success with.
so the problem was that by stopping america and other countries building as many nuclear power stations, more coal power stations where built instead, and so the greens had caused more coal power stations to be built, by blacklisting nuclear power.
now the green movement is looking to increase nuclear power now in a turn around to once being anti nuclear power, because the green movement see that nuclear is cleaner then coal, due to nuclear not causing green house gasses, though some people doubt the claims that there is a green house gas causing global warming.
but what is true is that coal does give off gases that might not be clean in the environment.
at the end of the day the green movement was always way too reactionary which in the end made them push there agenda in the wrong ways, rather then working with people and meeting them half way the green movement ended up alienating people to there green cause.
i do not think gm crops are safe though, the greens are now starting to say more gm crops are needed, but why alter crops when mother nature already provides healthy food, that can be grown on mass, gm crops are not needed and are dangerous to health, so the greens should not start pushing toxic gm foods.
on pesticides they said that they stopped the use of ddt, but this had a effect on stopping its use in africa where ddt was stopping malaria and before it had chance to clear up a lot of malaria in africa the use of ddt was stopped.
but gm is bad and does need to be stopped, franken food is not good food at the end of the day, when mother nature provides all the food the world needs, gm food is not needed, and has proven health problems.
gm foods being grown in america are to blame for killing off the american honey bee's, why is this not being mentioned on this documentary, america farms are using gm corn and wheat etc for about the last 15 years, and as that happened the number of bee's in america started to die off.
because the honey bees cannot handle the pesticides that grafted inside a gm plant, basically gm crops are designed to be toxic to insects to stop these insects eating the crop, so the bees come along and try to get pollen nectar from these plants to make honey and end up getting poisoned by the toxic gm crops.
the bugs get used to the gm crops, so the poison grafted into a gm plant is made more stronger, and americans are eating the poison left over in the plants as well as the bees the bees are dying off in america.
this below about gm killing honey bees
"To: World Governments
Something is killing honey bees, and even as billions are dropping dead across the world, researchers are scrambling to find answers and save one of the most important crop pollinators on Earth.
What is called "colony collapse disorder" hit bee keepers all over the world including half of the US last spring. Now it has spread to all but a handful of states.
Hives can go from healthy and active to dead and gone.
"In the Australian story, researchers have dissected bees that have died, and they have found that their immune systems have "totally gone to pieces".
As the global collapse of honeybee populations threatens the sustainability of the world food supply, some European organizations are at least trying to do something about it. Today, Britain's largest agriculture co-op announced it would ban eight pesticides thought to be causing colony collapse disorder. (One of them is called imidacloprid.)
In Germany's Baden-Württemberg state, 500 million bees died in Spring 2008, due to the insecticidal seed treatment agent clothianidin. Another example is the case of a Swabian beekeeper, who destroyed his whole honey harvest because it contained pollen of the GM corn MON810, after an administrative court declared the honey as 'non marketable'.
So far, there are few answers, but there is a long list of possibilities, which include pesticides and genetically modified crops, also known as GMOs or GMs.
However, I have been learning that not much is known about the accumulating impact of pesticides on insects, animals and even people when you consider, in this modern world how many combinations of pesticides are used. One pesticide by itself might not destroy honey bees, but what happens when farmers spray herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and rodenticides on land that also has genetically modified crops with pesticides built-in?
The United States grows nearly two-thirds of all genetically engineered crops. Last year about 130 million acres were planted with GMs. Much of the soy, corn, cotton and canola have had a gene inserted into their DNA to produce pesticides systemically throughout the plants created and patented by Monsanto. Monsanto also produces genetically modified crops designed not to die when herbicides are sprayed on them. In a perfect biotech world, only the weeds would be killed. But Mother Nature has a way of outwitting human designs. So, now the weeds are becoming resistant to the herbicide sprays and frustrated farmers are putting on more and more poisons.
What this genetically engineered trait does is allow a farmer to spray the herbicide right on the crop, which would have killed the crop, would kill the soybeans, prior to introduction of this gene. The gene comes from a type of bacteria that is found in the soil and it makes the plant immune to the herbicide.
The consequence of this is that glyphosate and Roundup, which is sold by Monsanto - the same company that also sells the seed of the type of soybeans that are immune or resistant to the herbicide - that herbicide has become the most widely used herbicide in the world. The consequence of that is you have one particular herbicide used on a tremendous amount of acreage in the U. S. and elsewhere, especially Argentina and Brazil.
As any biologist would expect, when you have such tremendous pressure on weeds to try to survive this herbicide, some of the weeds that are resistant are selected for and all their competition is killed off. The resistant weeds then proliferate and can no longer be controlled by glyphosate. Then you have a situation where the use of this herbicide has gone up, and on probably millions of acres, other herbicides are having to be used as well as glyphosate in order to control the resistant weeds.
So, what we've been seeing in the past few years is that the overall level of herbicide use is increasing, and it will almost inevitably continue to increase. In this case, it's causing the rise of these resistant weeds and the increased use of herbicides and potentially, may be harming amphibians to boot.
The active ingredient in Round-up is the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate. Glyphosate's mode of action is to inhibit an enzyme involved in the synthesis of the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. It is absorbed through foliage and translocated (moves through plant sap) to growing points. Weeds and grass will generally re-emerge within one to two months after usage. Because of this mode of action, it is only effective on actively growing plants. Round-up is not effective as a "pre-emergence herbicide." Monsanto also produces seeds which grow into plants genetically engineered to be tolerant to glyphosate which are known as Round-up Ready crops. The genes contained in these seeds are patented. Such crops allow farmers to use glyphosate as a post-emergence pesticide against both broadleaf and cereal weeds. Soybeans were the first Round-up Ready crop, which was produced at Monsanto's Agracetus Campus located in Middleton, Wisconsin. Current Round-up Ready crops include corn, sorghum, cotton, soybeans, canola and alfalfa.
So here we have it: GMO's Round-up and other pesticides are killing our Bee's, without them the whole world will face starvation!
It is the big pharmaceutical companies that need to be stopped. In the end, they will not only be killing bees, they will be killing us.
Its time we do something!
Kill the poison, save the Bees!
bit above about honey bees from this websitepetitiononline
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
facebook developers sold user data is facebook safe with your personal details?
facebook developers sold user data is facebook safe with your personal details?, well it has been all over the news about facebook workers selling peoples data, so does this mean that facebook is now not safe, as people put a lot of there personal information on the facebook site, so how can they now trust facebook with there personal information if it is selling this info for money?.
Facebook has not yet identified the developers that were breaking the rules, and says there were fewer than a dozen, none of whom were in the company's top ten, well probably not cause the top 10 facebook employees earn millions.
The company has suspended the developers for six months, but said the UIDs involved were not used to access private data, but is 6 months long enough?.
Facebook has not yet identified the developers that were breaking the rules, and says there were fewer than a dozen, none of whom were in the company's top ten, well probably not cause the top 10 facebook employees earn millions.
The company has suspended the developers for six months, but said the UIDs involved were not used to access private data, but is 6 months long enough?.
cher lloyd used to by a gypsy romany roots taunted as "pikey"
cher lloyd used to by a gypsy romany roots taunted as "pikey" at school, cher lloyd was only about 2 years old when her parents lived on the road in a caravan in a romany style gypsy lifestyle, but cher lloyd is proud of her roots as a gypsy.
but at school cher lloyd had a hard time being taunted as "pikey" by unruly children trying to bully her.
but at school cher lloyd had a hard time being taunted as "pikey" by unruly children trying to bully her.
is cher lloyd single in real life or have a boyfriend?
is cher lloyd single in real life or have a boyfriend?, i wonder with all the dating rumours about cher lloyd supposedly meant to be dating every member of the x factor cast one new person is mentioned every week by the media, and the media is probably making it up anyway.
but is cher lloyd single in real life outside of the x factor 2010 show, or does cher lloyd have a boyfriend in real life due to all the dating rumours on the x factor show you would have to think that cher lloyd is single and not dating anyone in real life.
if cher lloyd did have a boyfriend in real life it would be not nice for the boy if cher was dating people on the x factor behind hid back.
i think cher lloyd must be single in real life otherwise she would be distressing a poor boy outside of the x factor 2010 world or bubble they live in while on the x factor 2010 show.
but is cher lloyd single in real life outside of the x factor 2010 show, or does cher lloyd have a boyfriend in real life due to all the dating rumours on the x factor show you would have to think that cher lloyd is single and not dating anyone in real life.
if cher lloyd did have a boyfriend in real life it would be not nice for the boy if cher was dating people on the x factor behind hid back.
i think cher lloyd must be single in real life otherwise she would be distressing a poor boy outside of the x factor 2010 world or bubble they live in while on the x factor 2010 show.
cher lloyd and katie waissel who cry's and weeps the most?
cher lloyd and katie waissel who cry's and weeps the most?, on x factor there are two acts that cry a lot cher lloyd and katie waissel, both are special cases, but who is the most special out of the two?.
a lot of people have been down on katie waissel like they was down on cher lloyd at the start of the x factor 2010 series, but now need to just leave these girls alone on x factor to do there own thing and perform and not be nasty to them.
a lot of people have been down on katie waissel like they was down on cher lloyd at the start of the x factor 2010 series, but now need to just leave these girls alone on x factor to do there own thing and perform and not be nasty to them.
cher lloyd getting special treatment on x factor by staff
cher lloyd getting special treatment on x factor by staff, cheryl cole is putting a lot of effort into looking after cher lloyd and says that she is a special case that needs to be handled with kid gloves.
after saturday's weeping and crying by cher lloyd x factor bosses and staff want to be careful with cher and see her as someone to look after.
after saturday's weeping and crying by cher lloyd x factor bosses and staff want to be careful with cher and see her as someone to look after.
Monday, 1 November 2010
x factor fans say Jamiroquai are rubbish
x factor fans say Jamiroquai are rubbish, Jamiroquai made his X Factor debut to a frosty reception from judges Cheryl Cole & Dannii Minogue thugh he called them 'talentless' in the press and so it was understandable, its all stress and disagreements between everyone it seems on the x factor at the moment really, peace and chill out x factors.
facebook news here, 100 million users details collected and published
acebook news here, 100 million users details collected and published, some bad news for facebook here with the Details of 100m Facebook users collected and published, some kind of security breach or is facebook safe with your personal information online?.
section of story below with link to full article----
Personal details of 100m Facebook users have been collected and published on the net by a security consultant.
Ron Bowes used a piece of code to scan Facebook profiles, collecting data not hidden by the user's privacy settings.
The list, which has been shared as a downloadable file, contains the URL of every searchable Facebook user's profile, their name and unique ID.
Mr Bowes said he published the data to highlight privacy issues, but Facebook said it was already public information.
The file has spread rapidly across the net.
Continue reading the main story
Related stories
Facebook faces privacy criticism
Q&A: Facebook privacy changes
Picture guide: Facebook privacy
On the Pirate Bay, the world's biggest file-sharing website, the list was being distributed and downloaded by more than 1,000 users.
One user, going by the name of lusifer69, described the list as "awesome and a little terrifying".
In a statement to BBC News, Facebook said that the information in the list was already freely available online.
"People who use Facebook own their information and have the right to share only what they want, with whom they want, and when they want," the statement read.
"In this case, information that people have agreed to make public was collected by a single researcher and already exists in Google, Bing, other search engines, as well as on Facebook.
"No private data is available or has been compromised," the statement added.
from this website bbc news
section of story below with link to full article----
Personal details of 100m Facebook users have been collected and published on the net by a security consultant.
Ron Bowes used a piece of code to scan Facebook profiles, collecting data not hidden by the user's privacy settings.
The list, which has been shared as a downloadable file, contains the URL of every searchable Facebook user's profile, their name and unique ID.
Mr Bowes said he published the data to highlight privacy issues, but Facebook said it was already public information.
The file has spread rapidly across the net.
Continue reading the main story
Related stories
Facebook faces privacy criticism
Q&A: Facebook privacy changes
Picture guide: Facebook privacy
On the Pirate Bay, the world's biggest file-sharing website, the list was being distributed and downloaded by more than 1,000 users.
One user, going by the name of lusifer69, described the list as "awesome and a little terrifying".
In a statement to BBC News, Facebook said that the information in the list was already freely available online.
"People who use Facebook own their information and have the right to share only what they want, with whom they want, and when they want," the statement read.
"In this case, information that people have agreed to make public was collected by a single researcher and already exists in Google, Bing, other search engines, as well as on Facebook.
"No private data is available or has been compromised," the statement added.
from this website bbc news
jon stewart rally to restore sanity daily show some more news about it
jon stewart rally to restore sanity daily show some more news about it, found some more news on this hot topic from the jon stewarts daily politics show.
found this interesting news story about jon stewart rally to restore sanity which i found on the website cs moniter you can't beat a bit of gossip and that's what this story is like really, i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, finding some important news stories at the moment on politics.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
By Stephen Kurczy, Staff Writer / October 29, 2010
Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington has sparked more than 1,160 mini-rallies in 84 countries, morphing into something of a global political happening.
The last time a political rally in America gained such international traction was during the 2003 protests against the Iraq war, says Timothy Patrick McCarthy, director of the Human Rights and Social Movements Program at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
"I have been surprised by the proliferation of rallies worldwide," says Dr. McCarthy. "But I’m not sure what it means. I don’t know if this is just an outlet for people who share frustrations to come together for some cathartic exercise of political relief. But one of the things I think is interesting is there is a lot of anger and disaffection across the political spectrum."
Both American expatriates and foreign fans of "The Daily Show" and its creator, Mr. Stewart, are organizing meet-ups Saturday – everywhere from London to Tel Aviv to Seoul – to concur with the rally on the Washington Mall.
While many criticize Stewart's gathering as lacking a clear focus, some Americans living abroad say it has inspired them to take part in next week's election. Mr. Stewart organized his rally in reaction to Glenn Beck's Aug. 28 gathering at the Lincoln Memorial.
from this website csmoniter
found this interesting news story about jon stewart rally to restore sanity which i found on the website cs moniter you can't beat a bit of gossip and that's what this story is like really, i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, finding some important news stories at the moment on politics.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
By Stephen Kurczy, Staff Writer / October 29, 2010
Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington has sparked more than 1,160 mini-rallies in 84 countries, morphing into something of a global political happening.
The last time a political rally in America gained such international traction was during the 2003 protests against the Iraq war, says Timothy Patrick McCarthy, director of the Human Rights and Social Movements Program at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
"I have been surprised by the proliferation of rallies worldwide," says Dr. McCarthy. "But I’m not sure what it means. I don’t know if this is just an outlet for people who share frustrations to come together for some cathartic exercise of political relief. But one of the things I think is interesting is there is a lot of anger and disaffection across the political spectrum."
Both American expatriates and foreign fans of "The Daily Show" and its creator, Mr. Stewart, are organizing meet-ups Saturday – everywhere from London to Tel Aviv to Seoul – to concur with the rally on the Washington Mall.
While many criticize Stewart's gathering as lacking a clear focus, some Americans living abroad say it has inspired them to take part in next week's election. Mr. Stewart organized his rally in reaction to Glenn Beck's Aug. 28 gathering at the Lincoln Memorial.
from this website csmoniter
jon stewart rally to restore sanity daily show is it liberal propaganda conspiracy or good idea?
jon stewart rally to restore sanity daily show is it liberal propaganda conspiracy or good idea?, i think it is a bit of everything really, and probably a good idea to restore sanity in some ways or at least get the idea out there.
i found this interesting website about jon stewart rally to restore sanity which i found on the website http://www.rallytorestoresanity.com/ i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, finding some important news stories at the moment.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
“I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!”
Who among us has not wanted to open their window and shout that at the top of their lungs?
Seriously, who?
Because we’re looking for those people. We’re looking for the people who think shouting is annoying, counterproductive, and terrible for your throat; who feel that the loudest voices shouldn’t be the only ones that get heard; and who believe that the only time it’s appropriate to draw a Hitler mustache on someone is when that person is actually Hitler. Or Charlie Chaplin in certain roles.
Are you one of those people? Excellent. Then we’d like you to join us in Washington, DC on October 30 — a date of no significance whatsoever — at the Daily Show’s “Rally to Restore Sanity.”
Ours is a rally for the people who’ve been too busy to go to rallies, who actually have lives and families and jobs (or are looking for jobs) — not so much the Silent Majority as the Busy Majority. If we had to sum up the political view of our participants in a single sentence… we couldn’t. That’s sort of the point.
Think of our event as Woodstock, but with the nudity and drugs replaced by respectful disagreement; the Million Man March, only a lot smaller, and a bit less of a sausage fest; or the Gathering of the Juggalos, but instead of throwing our feces at Tila Tequila, we’ll be actively *not* throwing our feces at Tila Tequila. Join us in the shadow of the Washington Monument. And bring your indoor voice. Or don’t. If you’d rather stay home, go to work, or drive your kids to soccer practice… Actually, please come anyway. Ask the sitter if she can stay a few extra hours, just this once. We’ll make it worth your while.
Watch Jon’s call-to-reasonableness on The Daily Show. Keep checking back for updates and rally information.
from this website rally to restore sanity website
i found this interesting website about jon stewart rally to restore sanity which i found on the website http://www.rallytorestoresanity.com/ i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, finding some important news stories at the moment.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
“I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!”
Who among us has not wanted to open their window and shout that at the top of their lungs?
Seriously, who?
Because we’re looking for those people. We’re looking for the people who think shouting is annoying, counterproductive, and terrible for your throat; who feel that the loudest voices shouldn’t be the only ones that get heard; and who believe that the only time it’s appropriate to draw a Hitler mustache on someone is when that person is actually Hitler. Or Charlie Chaplin in certain roles.
Are you one of those people? Excellent. Then we’d like you to join us in Washington, DC on October 30 — a date of no significance whatsoever — at the Daily Show’s “Rally to Restore Sanity.”
Ours is a rally for the people who’ve been too busy to go to rallies, who actually have lives and families and jobs (or are looking for jobs) — not so much the Silent Majority as the Busy Majority. If we had to sum up the political view of our participants in a single sentence… we couldn’t. That’s sort of the point.
Think of our event as Woodstock, but with the nudity and drugs replaced by respectful disagreement; the Million Man March, only a lot smaller, and a bit less of a sausage fest; or the Gathering of the Juggalos, but instead of throwing our feces at Tila Tequila, we’ll be actively *not* throwing our feces at Tila Tequila. Join us in the shadow of the Washington Monument. And bring your indoor voice. Or don’t. If you’d rather stay home, go to work, or drive your kids to soccer practice… Actually, please come anyway. Ask the sitter if she can stay a few extra hours, just this once. We’ll make it worth your while.
Watch Jon’s call-to-reasonableness on The Daily Show. Keep checking back for updates and rally information.
from this website rally to restore sanity website
harry styles dating cher lloyd now rumours abound on x factor one direction and cher lloyd
harry styles dating cher lloyd now rumours abound on x factor one direction and cher lloyd, this is a interesting new story about harry styles dating cher lloyd i found on this website the mirror you can't beat a bit of x factor 2010 gossip
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, x factor is always my favourite interesting topic.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
One Direction star Harry Styles has dismissed rumours of a romance with Cher Lloyd... saying she's not his type.
The heartthrob, 16, has been repeatedly linked with Cher, 17, over the past few weeks, but says they are just good friends.
Instead, he says he's got his eyes on another woman from the pop world - The Saturdays star Frankie - who he says is "absolutely gorgeous".
Harry and Cher have been pictured cosying up together but cynics suggested she did it as a publicity stunt to win over voters.
Harry - whose group sang Total Eclipse of the Heart on last night's show - said: "Cher's not really my type. She's a great girl. We've become good friends but that's it."
from this link the mirror
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, x factor is always my favourite interesting topic.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
One Direction star Harry Styles has dismissed rumours of a romance with Cher Lloyd... saying she's not his type.
The heartthrob, 16, has been repeatedly linked with Cher, 17, over the past few weeks, but says they are just good friends.
Instead, he says he's got his eyes on another woman from the pop world - The Saturdays star Frankie - who he says is "absolutely gorgeous".
Harry and Cher have been pictured cosying up together but cynics suggested she did it as a publicity stunt to win over voters.
Harry - whose group sang Total Eclipse of the Heart on last night's show - said: "Cher's not really my type. She's a great girl. We've become good friends but that's it."
from this link the mirror
simon cowell and one direction new x factor 2010 boy band already created before end of x factor 2010 series?
simon cowell and one direction new x factor 2010 boy band already created before end of x factor 2010 series?, this is a interesting new story about simon cowell and one direction the new x factor boy band i found on this website now magazine you can't beat a bit of gossip, but are one direction ALREADY a band????.
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, always a interesting topic.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
Simon Cowell is planning to give One Direction a record deal whatever the outcome on The X Factor, it has been claimed.
The music mogul, 51, is already thought to have lined-up a manager for the boys - Zain Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan.
'He has said he'll sign up One Direction even if they don't win,' says a source.
'He was heard saying in one of their early auditions, "I would sign them now if that was an audition in my office."
from now magazine
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, always a interesting topic.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
Simon Cowell is planning to give One Direction a record deal whatever the outcome on The X Factor, it has been claimed.
The music mogul, 51, is already thought to have lined-up a manager for the boys - Zain Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan.
'He has said he'll sign up One Direction even if they don't win,' says a source.
'He was heard saying in one of their early auditions, "I would sign them now if that was an audition in my office."
from now magazine
cher lloyd dating kissing zain malik one direction band member x factor
cher lloyd dating kissing zain malik one direction band member x factor, this is a interesting new story about x factor 2010 cher lloyd dating kissing zain malik of one direction i found on this website now magazine you can't beat a bit of gossip
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, x factor 2010 always a interesting topic with something new going on each day.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
Cher Lloyd and One Direction's Zain Malik are the latest X Factor finalists said to be enjoying a bit of a smooch.
'Cher and Zain are very much an item. They are completely into each other,' says an insider.
Both 17, the talented teenagers are believed to be trying to keep their relationship quiet because of Simon Cowell's ban on romance in the X Factor mansion.
'Things got a bit raucous in the house last week and they ended up kissing in front of a number of the other contestants,' the source claims.
'It was the hot gossip in the house.'
Show boss Simon asked One Direction to become good mates with Cher when the contestants all moved in together.
'There were fears that Cher was a bit frail and so Simon asked the band to keep their eye on her to make sure she was happy,' a source revealed.
Cher has already been linked to the boy band's Harry Styles and Liam Payne, as well as solo contestant Aiden Grimshaw.
from now magazine
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, x factor 2010 always a interesting topic with something new going on each day.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
Cher Lloyd and One Direction's Zain Malik are the latest X Factor finalists said to be enjoying a bit of a smooch.
'Cher and Zain are very much an item. They are completely into each other,' says an insider.
Both 17, the talented teenagers are believed to be trying to keep their relationship quiet because of Simon Cowell's ban on romance in the X Factor mansion.
'Things got a bit raucous in the house last week and they ended up kissing in front of a number of the other contestants,' the source claims.
'It was the hot gossip in the house.'
Show boss Simon asked One Direction to become good mates with Cher when the contestants all moved in together.
'There were fears that Cher was a bit frail and so Simon asked the band to keep their eye on her to make sure she was happy,' a source revealed.
Cher has already been linked to the boy band's Harry Styles and Liam Payne, as well as solo contestant Aiden Grimshaw.
from now magazine
Dermot O'Leary likes Cher Lloyd and Aiden Grimshaw X Factor 2010
Dermot O'Leary likes Cher Lloyd and Aiden Grimshaw X Factor 2010, this is a interesting new story about Dermot O'Leary liking Cher Lloyd and Aiden Grimshaw i found on this website metro you can't beat a bit of gossip from there about x factor 2010
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, always a interesting topic is x factor 2010.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
Who should people put their money on this year?
The standout auditions so far have been Cher and Aiden Grimshaw but the people who stand out early on rarely win the show. No one in the production team thought Joe McElderry would win this early on in the series last year.
Are there any previous contestants who you think would have done better than they did?
I worried about Diana Vickers but I’m glad she persevered with it. We always want the nicest and hardest working people to get through to finals because they have the best crack at getting a career. I’m glad she’s gone on to do very well.
from metro
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, always a interesting topic is x factor 2010.
part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----
Who should people put their money on this year?
The standout auditions so far have been Cher and Aiden Grimshaw but the people who stand out early on rarely win the show. No one in the production team thought Joe McElderry would win this early on in the series last year.
Are there any previous contestants who you think would have done better than they did?
I worried about Diana Vickers but I’m glad she persevered with it. We always want the nicest and hardest working people to get through to finals because they have the best crack at getting a career. I’m glad she’s gone on to do very well.
from metro
cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw? x factor dating rumours
this is a interesting story about cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw dating on the x factor 2010, but i think these cher lloyd rumours a lot of the time could be made up by the news.
this is a bit of the article link at bottom of page----
what's this cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw rumour about?, supposedly cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw are secretly in love and dating.
i was reading some stories about this cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw dating and people say if its true they could be dropped from the show but i do not see why they would be dropped from the show, considering there has been relationships and dating between contestants on past x factor shows.
x factor blog
this is a bit of the article link at bottom of page----
what's this cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw rumour about?, supposedly cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw are secretly in love and dating.
i was reading some stories about this cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw dating and people say if its true they could be dropped from the show but i do not see why they would be dropped from the show, considering there has been relationships and dating between contestants on past x factor shows.
x factor blog
jennifer lopez on american idol 2011 j-lo time
jennifer lopez on american idol 2011 j-lo time, well is jennifer lopez simon cowell's replacement but she is not getting on with randy jackson though on 2011 american idol talent show.
news article snippet below--------------
“It’s so embarrassing that Jennifer keeps goofing Randy’s name,” one TV insider tells me. “If it’s not about Jen then forget about it. Poor Randy has a hard enough time getting noticed sitting next to dominating Simon and eccentric Paula but at least they both knew who he was. Sitting next to Jennifer he might as well be invisible.”
“It was funny at first but now no one is laughing,” a source tells me. “But the best part about it is, JLo has made it clear everyone must remember to call her Jen.”
from american idol net
news article snippet below--------------
“It’s so embarrassing that Jennifer keeps goofing Randy’s name,” one TV insider tells me. “If it’s not about Jen then forget about it. Poor Randy has a hard enough time getting noticed sitting next to dominating Simon and eccentric Paula but at least they both knew who he was. Sitting next to Jennifer he might as well be invisible.”
“It was funny at first but now no one is laughing,” a source tells me. “But the best part about it is, JLo has made it clear everyone must remember to call her Jen.”
from american idol net
simon cowell not on american idol 2011 judges panel
simon cowell not on american idol 2011 judges panel, with simon cowell gone randy jackson says no one can replace simon cowell, but that is not important.
this is a snippet of the article with the american idol story in it, for full story go to link at the bottom of this page, can't wait for american idol 2011, but so far with these news stories it sounds like the new series of american idol is going to be very very good, just can't wait, and after idol there will be the american x factor 2011 as well, all going on the talent show front in 2011!.
snippet of article below------
“There are no roles to play,” Lythgoe said last night at the Carousel of Hope Ball at the Beverly Hilton hotel. “Randy is Randy. People have said to me, ‘Who’s the new Simon?’ Well, Simon’s Simon. There’s no one else like Simon…Randy has become the elder statesman now. He is the one that says, ‘Who do you think?’ He’s taken control of the panel.”
from american idol net
this is a snippet of the article with the american idol story in it, for full story go to link at the bottom of this page, can't wait for american idol 2011, but so far with these news stories it sounds like the new series of american idol is going to be very very good, just can't wait, and after idol there will be the american x factor 2011 as well, all going on the talent show front in 2011!.
snippet of article below------
“There are no roles to play,” Lythgoe said last night at the Carousel of Hope Ball at the Beverly Hilton hotel. “Randy is Randy. People have said to me, ‘Who’s the new Simon?’ Well, Simon’s Simon. There’s no one else like Simon…Randy has become the elder statesman now. He is the one that says, ‘Who do you think?’ He’s taken control of the panel.”
from american idol net
Dutch girl on American Idol 2011???????
Dutch girl on American Idol, sounds like a dutch girl is on her way to do american idol 2011, strange story?, read more below.
this is a snippet of the article with the american idol story in it, for full story go to link at the bottom of this page, can't wait for american idol 2011, but so far with these news stories it sounds like the new series of american idol is going to be very very good, just can't wait, and after idol there will be the american x factor 2011 as well, all going on the talent show front in 2011!.
snippet of article below-----
The 19-year-old April Darby was selected from 15,000 candidates for the audition rounds of the American tv show American Idol and has just come through the fourth round with 130 others.
April, who lives in The Hague, was born in America but grew up in the Netherlands, says the Telegraaf.
from dutch news
this is a snippet of the article with the american idol story in it, for full story go to link at the bottom of this page, can't wait for american idol 2011, but so far with these news stories it sounds like the new series of american idol is going to be very very good, just can't wait, and after idol there will be the american x factor 2011 as well, all going on the talent show front in 2011!.
snippet of article below-----
The 19-year-old April Darby was selected from 15,000 candidates for the audition rounds of the American tv show American Idol and has just come through the fourth round with 130 others.
April, who lives in The Hague, was born in America but grew up in the Netherlands, says the Telegraaf.
from dutch news
american idol 2011 news teaser trailer
american idol 2011 news teaser trailer, american idol 2011 have released some teasers about next years series new idol promo.
this is a snippet of the article with the american idol story in it, for full story go to link at the bottom of this page, can't wait for american idol 2011, but so far with these news stories it sounds like the new series of american idol is going to be very very good, just can't wait, and after idol there will be the american x factor 2011 as well, all going on the talent show front in 2011!.
snippet of article below------
American Idol 2011 Promo Released! The tenth season of the world's most popular show in the world has released its 60-second commercial that features past winners of the show.
Fox will be airing American Idol 2011 on January with new judges gracing the Idol podium. Sources say new judges are Jennifer Lopez and Steve Tyler from Aerosmith. Randy Jackson will be coming back as a judge.
from this link chika princes
this is a snippet of the article with the american idol story in it, for full story go to link at the bottom of this page, can't wait for american idol 2011, but so far with these news stories it sounds like the new series of american idol is going to be very very good, just can't wait, and after idol there will be the american x factor 2011 as well, all going on the talent show front in 2011!.
snippet of article below------
American Idol 2011 Promo Released! The tenth season of the world's most popular show in the world has released its 60-second commercial that features past winners of the show.
Fox will be airing American Idol 2011 on January with new judges gracing the Idol podium. Sources say new judges are Jennifer Lopez and Steve Tyler from Aerosmith. Randy Jackson will be coming back as a judge.
from this link chika princes
looking for the 2011 LE MANS 24 HOURS REGULATIONS?, get them from the link at the bottom of the page.
snippet of article from news source with link to full article at the bottom of the page useful news in 2011 that you can't live without, tomorrow's story's today get ready for 2011 in style!.
article snippet below---
The 2011 Le Mans 24 Hour regulations have been drawn up under the context of sustainable development and respect for the environment. The ACO and the motor industry have concentrated on two aspects that are crucially important from their point of view:
An endurance race like the Le Mans 24 Hours must enable entrants to test new technologies.
The focus of the Le Mans 24 Hours must be aimed even more strongly towards both the reduction of CO2 emissions and overall fuel consumption.
The ACO wishes to give manufacturers the widest possible scope to use and develop such systems by putting a certain number of controls in place. Energy recovery systems will be allowed provided that they respect the following rules :
full article at lemans
snippet of article from news source with link to full article at the bottom of the page useful news in 2011 that you can't live without, tomorrow's story's today get ready for 2011 in style!.
article snippet below---
The 2011 Le Mans 24 Hour regulations have been drawn up under the context of sustainable development and respect for the environment. The ACO and the motor industry have concentrated on two aspects that are crucially important from their point of view:
An endurance race like the Le Mans 24 Hours must enable entrants to test new technologies.
The focus of the Le Mans 24 Hours must be aimed even more strongly towards both the reduction of CO2 emissions and overall fuel consumption.
The ACO wishes to give manufacturers the widest possible scope to use and develop such systems by putting a certain number of controls in place. Energy recovery systems will be allowed provided that they respect the following rules :
full article at lemans
glastonbury festivals 2011 outdoor party time in 2011
glastonbury festivals 2011 outdoor party time in 2011, what about festis in 11, are you thinking about glastonbury yet well you should be!. tickets on sale for 2011
snippet of article from news source with link to full article at the bottom of the page useful news in 2011 that you can't live without, tomorrow's story's today get ready for 2011 in style!.
article snippet below---
Tickets for Glastonbury Festival 2011 will go on sale at 9am on Sunday, October 3rd, costing £195 (+ £5 booking fee and P&P).
You will be able to book up to 8 tickets per transaction by paying a £50 deposit per person, either online at www.seetickets.com/g2011 or on the booking line: 0844 412 4635. You will need the registration number and postcode for each person for whom you are booking a ticket.
There will then be no further UK payments taken until the booking site re-opens on April 1st 2011, when you will have a week to pay your balance of £145 per ticket, and to book everything else you might need (tipis, campervan tickets, parking, insurance). To clarify - it will not be possible to pay for a ticket in full in October, when only deposits will be taken.
This extension to our deposit scheme will allow people more time to save for their tickets, knowing that they have a secured booking. It will also help the Festival to reduce costs, allowing us to give more to our joint charities.
from glastonbury festivals
snippet of article from news source with link to full article at the bottom of the page useful news in 2011 that you can't live without, tomorrow's story's today get ready for 2011 in style!.
article snippet below---
Tickets for Glastonbury Festival 2011 will go on sale at 9am on Sunday, October 3rd, costing £195 (+ £5 booking fee and P&P).
You will be able to book up to 8 tickets per transaction by paying a £50 deposit per person, either online at www.seetickets.com/g2011 or on the booking line: 0844 412 4635. You will need the registration number and postcode for each person for whom you are booking a ticket.
There will then be no further UK payments taken until the booking site re-opens on April 1st 2011, when you will have a week to pay your balance of £145 per ticket, and to book everything else you might need (tipis, campervan tickets, parking, insurance). To clarify - it will not be possible to pay for a ticket in full in October, when only deposits will be taken.
This extension to our deposit scheme will allow people more time to save for their tickets, knowing that they have a secured booking. It will also help the Festival to reduce costs, allowing us to give more to our joint charities.
from glastonbury festivals
some music news for 2011 gigs worth watching
time to think about music in 2011 here is a snippet of a article about gigs in 2011.
snippet of article from news source with link to full article at the bottom of the page useful news in 2011 that you can't live without, tomorrow's story's today get ready for 2011 in style!.
article snippet below---
Primal Scream are getting in on the act, too. Having sold out four nights of their Screamadelica live show at London's Olympia this month, they take the live version of their blissed-out 1991 Balearic masterpiece on the road in March.
Catering to a different crowd is Lady Gaga's 2011 Monster Ball tour, which should be heading over to Europe after its North American leg in May. It's rumoured that Ms Gaga is lining up popular New York disco troupe Scissor Sisters for a support slot. Of course, Kylie Minogue's concerts set the standard for costumed extravagance long before Gaga came on the scene. The Aussie popstrel's Aphrodite: Les Folies 2011 tour sashays through the UK in March and April, with most dates already sold out.
Although nothing has been announced yet, Take That are almost certain to embark on their first tour as a five-piece since 1994 next summer. We can also expect to see Kings of Leon hit the road in support of their recently released fifth album Come Around Sundown.
from guardian news
snippet of article from news source with link to full article at the bottom of the page useful news in 2011 that you can't live without, tomorrow's story's today get ready for 2011 in style!.
article snippet below---
Primal Scream are getting in on the act, too. Having sold out four nights of their Screamadelica live show at London's Olympia this month, they take the live version of their blissed-out 1991 Balearic masterpiece on the road in March.
Catering to a different crowd is Lady Gaga's 2011 Monster Ball tour, which should be heading over to Europe after its North American leg in May. It's rumoured that Ms Gaga is lining up popular New York disco troupe Scissor Sisters for a support slot. Of course, Kylie Minogue's concerts set the standard for costumed extravagance long before Gaga came on the scene. The Aussie popstrel's Aphrodite: Les Folies 2011 tour sashays through the UK in March and April, with most dates already sold out.
Although nothing has been announced yet, Take That are almost certain to embark on their first tour as a five-piece since 1994 next summer. We can also expect to see Kings of Leon hit the road in support of their recently released fifth album Come Around Sundown.
from guardian news
william's f1 drivers in 2011 formula one
william's f1 drivers in 2011 formula one, nothing to change with next years drivers at williams f1 according to this article here is a snippet.
"Williams hints at unchanged line-up in 2011
After much speculation that either F1 2010 rookie Nico Hülkenberg or ultra-experienced veteran Rubens Barrichello will be dropped from the Williams line-up to make way for recently-crowned GP2 Series Champion Pastor Maldonado and his $15 million of sponsorship cash next year, Sir Frank Williams has now hinted that both drivers will in fact be kept on-board.
Whilst Hülkenberg has impressed many during his maiden campaign of top flight competition – seven times making the Q3 top ten shoot-out in qualifying, generally keeping pace with Barrichello and scoring points on six occasions to-date, five of them in the last eight races – the one thing the highly-rated German does not have access to is oodles of sponsorship money, whereas Maldonado does [see separate story – click here], and the Venezuelan is set to try out for the team in the special end-of-season young driver test immediately after the Abu Dhabi finale."
from eurosport news
eurosport news
"Williams hints at unchanged line-up in 2011
After much speculation that either F1 2010 rookie Nico Hülkenberg or ultra-experienced veteran Rubens Barrichello will be dropped from the Williams line-up to make way for recently-crowned GP2 Series Champion Pastor Maldonado and his $15 million of sponsorship cash next year, Sir Frank Williams has now hinted that both drivers will in fact be kept on-board.
Whilst Hülkenberg has impressed many during his maiden campaign of top flight competition – seven times making the Q3 top ten shoot-out in qualifying, generally keeping pace with Barrichello and scoring points on six occasions to-date, five of them in the last eight races – the one thing the highly-rated German does not have access to is oodles of sponsorship money, whereas Maldonado does [see separate story – click here], and the Venezuelan is set to try out for the team in the special end-of-season young driver test immediately after the Abu Dhabi finale."
from eurosport news
eurosport news
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