Wednesday, 15 December 2010

BBC Jody McIntyre interview tuition fees protest london

BBC Jody McIntyre interview tuition fees protest london, this video is creating a bit of a stir about the tuition fees protest in london.

"BBC interview wheelchair user and cerebal palsy sufferer Jody McIntryre after he was dragged from his wheelchair by police on two seperate occasions at the anti-tuition fees protest on the 9th December 2010 in London. The presenter is Ben Brown. I apologise for some glitches in the video, this is because of a bad signal and dodgy aerial cable."

a background on the tuition fees protest according to wikipedia.

"2010 UK student protests
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 2010 UK student protests are an ongoing series of demonstrations that began in November 2010 in several areas of the United Kingdom, with the focal point of protests centered in London. The initial event was the largest student protest in the UK since the Labour government first proposed the Teaching and Higher Education Act in 1998.[1] Largely student-led, the protests were held in opposition to planned spending cuts to further education and an increase of the cap on tuition fees by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government. The proposed budget reduction followed a review into higher education funding in England conducted by Lord Browne. Student groups said that the intended cuts to education were excessive and broke campaign promises made by politicians, amounting to "attempts to force society to pay for a crisis it didn't cause."

The first major demonstration occurred on 10 November and was jointly organised by the National Union of Students (NUS) and the University and College Union (UCU). Arriving from all over England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland,[2][3] approximately 30,000 to 52,000 protesters attended the demonstration on the streets of central London.[2][4][5] Further protests were held on 24 and 30 November, and 9 December, with students holding rallies and occupying government and university buildings. Organisers said that most of the protests were peaceful, but sporadic acts of violence and vandalism were reported by authorities; protesters and police officers alike were injured, and in some cases hospitalised. In one incident, a car with Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, was attacked on Regent Street. Initially, the police were unprepared and overwhelmed by the number of protesters; later, heavy-handed tactics by riot police were blamed for contributing to clashes.

Contents [hide]
1 Background
2 10 November
2.1 London march
2.2 Disruption
2.3 Response to the Millbank Tower occupation
2.3.1 Students and unions
2.3.2 Government and press
2.4 Related protests
3 24 November
3.1 Whitehall march
3.2 Occupations
3.3 Response
4 30 November
4.1 Central London protests
4.2 Protests elsewhere
5 9 December
5.1 Parliament Square protest
5.2 Protests elsewhere in central London
5.3 Response
6 Influence and success
6.1 Welsh Assembly
7 See also
8 References
9 External links

Prior to the general election in May 2010, the Labour Party government commissioned a study into higher education funding in England entitled the Browne Review. At the time Nick Clegg, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, pledged that he would vote against any proposed increase in tuition fees if elected to Parliament.[6] Following the election and resulting hung parliament, he made an agreement with the Conservative Party to form a coalition government. The Browne Review was subsequently published in October 2010, and contained the suggestion that the government should remove outright the existing cap of £3,290 on tuition fees. The government rejected this proposal, instead choosing to keep a cap but increased to £9,000.[7] David Willetts, the Minister of State for Universities and Science, stated that the measures were "a very progressive package" and "at the end of this we will have a better university system than we have at the moment."[2] Nick Clegg also changed his position on the issue once in government, supporting the rise in tuition fees, and on the day of the protests defended his change of position on fees and supported the proposals for an increase in Parliament.[8]
Student union leaders, however, were critical of the cuts. David Barclay, the president of the University of Oxford's student union, said: "This is the day a generation of politicians learn that though they might forget their promises, students won't."[2] Similarly, Rahul Mansigani, the students' union president for the University of Cambridge, said: "Large numbers of students voted for the Liberal Democrats, and there is no question that the pledge is a binding commitment."[9] It was widely believed by the NUS and their supporters that the increased cap on tuition fees would prevent potential students from poorer backgrounds from attending university.[10]
Two weeks before, on 28 October, a protest was held in the University of Oxford to coincide with a visit from the Liberal Democrat minister and Business Secretary Vince Cable. Cable cancelled his visit after taking advice from the police about the protest.[11] Several days later, on 3 November, there was a student protest in Dublin, and the subsequent London protest was described by one Irish reporter as "scenes bizarrely similar" to those in the Irish capital.[12]

0 November

The focal point of the first demonstration involved a number of protesters occupying the Millbank Tower in Westminster, which contains the headquarters of the Conservative Party, leading to clashes with police during which 14 were injured and 50 arrested.[2][13][14]
[edit]London march

The official route of the first demonstration, officially known as Fund Our Future: Stop Education Cuts, and also known as Demo 2010 or Demo-lition 10.11.10,[15] was pre-approved with the Metropolitan Police Service, and marchers moved from Whitehall past Downing Street, the home of the Prime Minister, and then past the Houses of Parliament, chanting such slogans as "no ifs, no buts - no education cuts", "they say cut back - we say fight back", "I say Tories - you say scum" and "Tory scum".[3][4][5][16] Commenting upon the behaviour of the protesters, one journalist, Harry Mount of The Daily Telegraph, said: "Perhaps because their cause was justified, the students I saw had none of the swaggering, self-righteous manner of the student protester of legend."[17]

Political groups that sent contingents to take part included the Labour Party, Plaid Cymru, the Green Party, Socialist Workers Party, Revolution, the Young Communist League and the Revolutionary Communist Group.[18][19] A few Members of Parliament joined the demonstration, among them Labour MP John McDonnell, who told reporters: "This is the biggest workers' and students' demonstration in decades. It just shows what can be done when people get angry. We must build on this".[18] Representatives of the National Pensioners Convention also took part in the march, with one of those who carried their banner, Janet Shapiro, saying: "We're here because we believe education should be free, funded by the taxpayer. It is something that benefits the community, the country. Young people shouldn't start life with large debts that are worse than mortgages."[20]

At the end of the march, a rally took place outside Tate Britain where demonstrators were addressed by Sally Hunt, the University and College Union general secretary, who introduced a series of clips displayed on a giant plasma screen featuring Nick Clegg giving a series of promises to the electorate on tuition fees, all of which he subsequently had broken.[20] During this, Hunt stated that:
I am here today to send a message to the politicians at Westminster. It isn't fair to make our public universities the most expensive in the world. It isn't progressive to discourage young people from going to college. And it isn't just to ask the next generation to pay for others' mistakes. Over the next four years while college grants are cut and tuition fees triple, big business will get £8 billion in tax giveaways from the government... Some in our government seem to think they can spin their way out of their election commitments. So far they've called the increase in the cost of university everything but what it is. They've called it a fee, a tax, a loan and now a contribution. But the simple truth is it's not any of those things. It's a debt.[15]
The rally was also addressed by the NUS president Aaron Porter and the Trades Union Congress deputy general secretary Frances O'Grady,[15] the latter of whom offered the message to the government: "Don't you dare tell us we're all in this together. The deficit certainly wasn't caused by the students."[20]
The protest was scheduled to end at 2pm, but slightly overran.[13] The Metropolitan Police were only expecting 20,000 demonstrators to turn out, well below the 50,000 figure most widely quoted in the press after the event, and did not expect any violence, so deployed only 225 officers to police the event.[5]


“We oppose all cuts and we stand in solidarity with public sector workers, and all poor, disabled, elderly and working people.... We are occupying the roof in opposition to the marketisation of education pushed through by the coalition government, and the system they are pushing through of helping the rich and attacking the poor... We call for direct action to oppose these cuts. This is only the beginning of the resistance to the destruction of our education system and public services. ”
—Statement from a protester, [3]

In the afternoon, as the march passed the Houses of Parliament and on towards Tate Britain for the rally, a number of protesters, despite attempts by NUS organisers to stop them,[13] surrounded the Millbank Tower, campaign headquarters of the Conservative Party. Forcing their way past the limited police presence,[21] approximately two hundred people broke in and occupied the building, whilst a thousand more cheered and supported them from outside.[5][22] These protesters lit placards on fire, and smashed windows before occupying and vandalising the reception area. Staff working in the building were subsequently evacuated by police around 1pm.[5] Roughly twenty to thirty protesters proceeded to the roof of the building, chanting slogans, including "Tory scum" and "Greece! France! Now here too".[3]
Initial press sources blamed this action on a group of anarchists.[4][17] However, a later source claimed that the action at Millbank was instead caused by "students radicalised by cuts". Patrick Smith of The Guardian stated: "Speaking to the people inside the building... revealed a different story [to that of initial press reports].... Those dressed in black were [not anarchists but] students too, and several fresh-faced, excited students said this was their first demonstration.... This tells a different story to the one told by those wishing to discredit the protest as just a small bunch of troublemakers kicking off."[22]

Riot police from the

from the Territorial Support Group arrived an hour after the building was occupied to remove the protesters.[21] According to some sources, these police attempted to beat back the protesters from the building, being pelted with eggs, rotten fruit, banners, and shards of glass in retaliation.[9] One of the roof protesters allegedly later threw a fire extinguisher onto the police below, but received instant criticism from some of the protesting crowds, who called on them to "stop throwing shit".[5] Elane Heffernan, a woman from east London, told reporters: "Riot police have not been defeated like that since the poll tax. I am a public sector worker and I believe students are the future. We cannot let Cameron do to the students what Thatcher did to the pit communities."[13] In order to control the situation, police decided to use the controversial technique of kettling to keep the protesters trapped within Millbank Square, which is the forecourt to the Millbank Tower, whilst those protesters who were outside were pushed back.[13] The police began letting demonstrators out of the building from 6:30pm onwards, arresting those whom they believed were responsible for vandalism.[5]
The demonstration led to a disruption in transport around the city, with journalist Harry Mount stating: "I have never seen London traffic so jammed in 39 years living in the city."[17] Alongside the occupation of Millbank, a smaller number of protesters had travelled to the headquarters of the Liberal Democrats in Cowley Street, where a car window was smashed.[2] In all, 14 people were injured and required hospitalisation, at least three of whom were police officers, whilst police arrested 35 of the demonstrators, sending them off to various police stations around the city.[2][5] Later accounts that the numbers arrested had risen to 54, (33 men and 21 women), ten of whom were aged under 18 and the majority of whom were students.[23]
Wikinews has related news: London fire extinguisher throw suspect bailed
On 16 November, an 18-year-old student, Edward Woollard, was arrested for attempted murder in connection with the throwing of the fire extinguisher from the roof of the Millbank Tower during the occupation of the building. He was arrested in Southampton and transferred to London where he was questioned.[24] He subsequently went on trial for violent disorder rather than attempted murder, something for which he pleaded guilty, which carried with it a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment under the Public Order Act.[25]
[edit]Response to the Millbank Tower occupation
[edit]Students and unions
The president of the National Union of Students, Aaron Porter, condemned the attack on the Millbank Tower, claiming that it was caused by "those who are here to cause trouble" and that he was "disgusted that the actions of a minority of idiots are trying to undermine 50,000 who came to make a peaceful protest."[4] Similarly, Sally Hunt, the general secretary of the University and College Union, also condemned the occupation of Millbank Tower, declaring that "the overwhelming majority of staff and students on the march came here to send a clear and peaceful message to the politicians.... The actions of a minority, out of 50,000 people, is regrettable."[3] David Barclay, the president of the University of Oxford's students' union, similarly issued a statement in which he stated that "OUSU supports the rights of students to protest non-violently. It is hugely unfortunate that some people yesterday were injured and that arrests were made."[26]
In contrast with this, positive reaction for elements of the occupation of Millbank Tower was expressed by some student leaders, trade unionists and academics. Amongst others, the president of University of London Union Clare Solomon, the Education and Campaigns Officer at University College London, Michael Chessum, the National Union of Students' black students' officer Kanjay Sesay, the NUS' LGBT students' officers Vicki Baars and Alan Bailey, the President of the RMT trade union Alex Gordon and the playwright Lee Hall all signed a statement in which they declared that:
We reject any attempt to characterise the Millbank protest as small, "extremist" or unrepresentative of our movement. We celebrate the fact that thousands of students were willing to send a message to the Tories that we will fight to win. Occupations are a long established tradition in the student movement that should be defended. It is this kind of action in France and Greece that has been an inspiration to many workers and students in Britain faced with such a huge assault on jobs, benefits, housing and the public sector. We stand with the protesters, and anyone who is victimised as a result of the protest.[27]
Solomon also told the BBC that she believed that there was "no problem with direct actions or occupation", and when questioned regarding the damage done to Millbank, responded that "these were a few windows of the Tory Party headquarters - what they're doing to our education is absolutely millions... and they want to complain about a few windows."[10] Some socialist and student commentators have criticised Porter and the NUS for their response to both this situation and others, characterising them as careerist.[28] Meanwhile, various university Conservative societies around London condemned the protests, and criticised students' unions "for creating false impression that the majority of students are left-wing" and opposed to the governments' proposed cuts.[29]
[edit]Government and press

The Metropolitan Police Service admitted that they were unprepared to deal with the occupation of the Millbank Tower, something which they had not been expecting. Sir Paul Stephenson, the Metropolitan Police's Commissioner, told the press that he was "embarrassed" by how police had lost control of the situation, and condemned what he saw as "thuggish, loutish behaviour by criminals."[21] Stephenson also emphasised the individuals working in the Millbank Tower, remarking that "the one thing I would say is that it must have been an awful time for the people trying to go about their daily business in those buildings. I feel terribly sorry that they have had to go through what must have been quite a traumatic experience… We are determined to make sure that sort of thing does not happen again on our streets. I'm clear on that, the Met is clear on that."[21] His views were echoed by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, who stated: "This is intolerable and all those involved will be pursued and they will face the full force of the law… The Metropolitan Police commissioner has assured me that there will be a vigorous post-incident investigation. He will also be reviewing police planning and response."[21]

Prime Minister David Cameron also condemned the actions at Millbank, and said he would not abandon his position on the issue of education cuts. Speaking in South Korea, where he was attending the 2010 G-20 Seoul summit, Cameron said the occasion had been "extremely serious" and praised the bravery of the police officers. He also stated that the actions of the protesters were "unacceptable" and that "I was worried for the safety of the people in the building because I know people who work there".[10] Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said on ITV's Daybreak the morning after: "I should have been more careful perhaps in signing that pledge [to not increase tuition fees]… At the time [prior to his election] I really thought we could do it. I just didn't know, of course, before we came into government, quite what the state of the finances were."[30]
A reporter from The Daily Telegraph said that the "anarchic behaviour" of those occupying Millbank was "counter-productive" to the students' cause, and that it was the photographs of "a few hundred vicious hotheads" that would "linger" in the public imagination rather than that of the main march.[31] The Financial Times reported that an anonymous vice-chancellor from a London university had told them that the violence would undermine the campaign, and that it "could not have gone better for the government. George Osborne will be delighted."[13]
[edit]Related protests
There were also two smaller peaceful protests in Manchester and Cambridge as the protest sparked further action in the following days.[32] On 11 November, a group of student protesters occupied a building at the University of Manchester for three hours, demanding to see the accounts that discussed how government spending cuts would affect students. At one point between 60 and 100 students held a peaceful sit-in at Manchester's John Owens Building in Oxford Road after an NUS meeting earlier that day.[32] Representing this group, protester Jeremy Buck said: "This is just what a few students who had the energy left after the London demo managed to achieve… Imagine what will happen when they have enough time to organise properly for the 24th. It is a matter of watch this space."[27] That same day, protesters at the University of Cambridge held a demonstration against the cuts at the university's annual science, engineering and technology careers fair.[27]
In a similar vein, on 23 November, anti-education cuts protesters had assembled outside of the offices of The Guardian newspaper, where Liberal Democrat leader and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg was giving his Hugo Young lecture, in which they sentenced and executed an effigy of Clegg by hanging and shouted the slogan "Nick Clegg, shame on you, shame on you for turning blue".[33]
[edit]24 November

A second significant demonstration took place in London on 24 November, which again led to clashes with police, this time outside Whitehall, after police kettled a large crowd.[34][35]
An organisation known as the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) organised a mass national walk-out of education and protest for 24 November.[36] As a part of this, demonstrations were held in London and other locations across the United Kingdom.[34][35][37] According to a group on the social networking website Facebook, 25,000 people had signed up to take the day off from studies and protest prior to the actual event,[36] and these protesters included not only university students, but also school children who had walked out of lessons to join the demonstration.[35] The NCAFC encouraged protesters to use social media to invite others to join them:
...chalk the details on the pavement outside your place of education... request that folk "send the text viral" – ie text it to their own friends to text on to their friends … Send texts to all your friends in different schools and colleges telling them you've walked out...[36]
One of those protesting was Jessica Linley, a law student at the University of Nottingham who had been crowned Miss England in September 2010 and who used her status to gain media coverage for the cause, telling press that she would not be able to afford to go to university if the tuition fees were increased, and that "these sweeping austerity measures are unacceptable."[36]
[edit]Whitehall march
Believing that they had a lack of officers at the first demonstration on 10 November, the Metropolitan Police drafted in 1,000 police officers from across Greater London to oversee the event, almost five times the number that they had employed before.[38] The police officer responsible for monitoring domestic extremism meanwhile told the press on 23 November that he planned to monitor fringe elements amongst the demonstrators whom he felt would encourage peaceful protest to "spill over into vandalism and violence".[36]

Several thousand protesters in central London gathered in Trafalgar Square in the late morning, most of whom were students or school children, where many clambered over the statues surrounding Nelson's Column, shouting the slogan "fuck David Cameron", before moving on towards Whitehall.[36] As they reached Whitehall just before 1pm, police prevented the protesters from reaching Parliament Square and the Houses of Parliament, setting up a line of riot police to kettle the protesters. One reporter from The Guardian described the crowd at this point as being "predominantly good natured, although very noisy", nonetheless, the demonstrators tried to push through the police line, leading to clashes. A police van was overwhelmed and abandoned in the midst of the crowd, who attacked and vandalised the vehicle, rocking it back and forth, climbing on its roof, smashing its windows, writing graffiti on it and throwing a smoke bomb inside.[35][36] A group of school girls however - most of whom wearing school uniform - encircled the van, urging people not to vandalise it, and one of them, Zoe Williams, later told reporters that "I was just trying to get across to [the vandals] that the cause that we're here for today isn't about 'I hate the police, I want to burn the police and I want to destroy everything they represent.'"[39]
At around 6pm, mounted police charged at the north end of the crowd twice without warning in order to force them back, injuring protesters in the process. Police denied this event, however a video was later posted on YouTube. There were unconfirmed rumours spreading throughout the kettled crowd that a protester had been trampled.[40][41] Attempting to flee the charging horses, roughly 1,000 protesters were able to break free of the police kettle, running throughout many areas of central London whilst being pursued by police, leading one reporter who was there, The Guardian's Paul Lewis, to state that "police were caught in a game of cat and mouse, along Charing Cross, Covent Garden and Picadilly Circus. The mice (or at least those we were with) were eventually trapped along a side street." Meanwhile some of these escaping protesters committed acts of vandalism along many of the side streets, including knocking over bins and throwing traffic cones into the road.[36]
Meanwhile, approximately 200 protesters, who were unable to escape, remained kettled in Whitehall, with police informing the press that they were providing those in the crowd with toilet facilities and water. Nonetheless, individuals in the crowd, using social media, disputed this claim, with Clare Solomon, the president of the ULU, stating through Facebook that "we're still illegally kettled in the freezing cold on Whitehall. No food, water or toilets despite what the police are telling the media. Thousands of young people needing to go home."[36] Shouting out that it was to keep them warm in the cold night, protesters set fire to a ticket machine that was within the kettled area, prompting the police to send approximately 20 officers in riot gear into the midst of the crowd to secure the machine and put out the flames, whilst a fire engine also turned up at the scene.[36] From 9 to 10 pm, the rest of the Whitehall protesters were finally allowed out of the kettled crowd by the police, approximately nine to ten hours after they had first been contained, although some of them were subject to police searches as they were let out.[36][41]
During the clashes between riot police and demonstrators at Whitehall, police arrested 41 protesters.[38] A number of individuals were also injured, including seven police officers and 11 others.[38] Some protesters also vandalised several buses, with windows being broken on two routes and various bus stops in central London being damaged. A spokesperson for Transport for London, the organisation responsible for the bus service, stated: "We know that bus shelters and ticket machines along Whitehall have been severely damaged and we're checking to see what other damage has been caused. As the protest moved on during the day we had to put in place rolling diversions to keep buses away from it."[35][38]
“ "We stand against fees and savage cuts to higher education and government attempts to force society to pay for a crisis it didn’t cause. Promises have been broken, the political process has failed and we have been left with no other option. We stand in solidarity with all those fighting these cuts nationally and internationally. These cuts are a product of ideology and not necessity. Join us!." ”
—Statement from those occupying UCL, [19]
In London, student protesters occupied buildings belonging to a number of different universities in order to protest. At 4pm on 23 November, protesting students occupied the picture gallery corridor, a part of the administrative wing of London's Royal Holloway College in protest against the cuts. They were later joined by supportive members of staff at the university who took part in what was labelled a "teach-in".[36] During the afternoon of the 24th of November, a group of students and supporters went into occupation of Appleton Tower at the University of Edinburgh, stating "We stand firm alongside all other students, university staff and others nationwide affected by education cuts and the risk this poses to the future of higher education."[42] Following this, at midday on 25 November, a group of students occupied the Jeremy Bentham Room at the centre of University College London, stating that they were protesting against "savage cuts to higher education and government attempts to force society to pay for a crisis it didn't cause."[35] One reporter, from the BBC, visited the occupation, and remarked that of the protesters, "they seem as distant from the old left as they do from the new right" and that "you get a reminder that these are students born in the 1990s. They're quoting Harry Potter rather than Che Guevara."[43] Student protesters also occupied the University of East London, demanding that university managers "put pressure on the government on the issue of H[higher] E[ducation] cuts and tuition fee rises".[36]
Aside from those in the capital, students protested against fee rises and education cuts across the United Kingdom, with students occupying their university buildings in protest at at least 12 universities.[35] At University Place in Manchester, 3,000 students assembled to demonstrate, but several hundred of them broke away to march towards the town hall. A group of about 100 occupied a lecture theatre in the Roscoe Building. At the University of Oxford university and sixth form students initially occupied the Radcliffe Camera.[44] At the University of Cambridge, 200 students scaled the fence of Senate House and marched onto the grounds of King's College. At the University of Bristol, 2,000 protesters clashed with police when they tried to move into the city centre, with four of them being arrested. In Brighton, 3,000 demonstrators marched throughout the city, with nearly 50 occupying a university building.[45] In the morning of 24 November, demonstrators at the University of Birmingham occupied the Aston Webb building, the site of the Prime Ministerial debates earlier in the year; they issued a statement in which they declared that "we believe the government's cuts to be economically unnecessary, unfair and ideologically motivated" and that "if [the government] continue to destroy the livelihoods of the majority to benefit the rich and powerful minority, they will face increasingly widespread and radical action."[36] In Leeds, protesters amassed at the University of Leeds, with hundreds of them having walked out of the local Allerton Grange High School to join the demonstration, and they later occupied the Michael Sadler lecture theater whilst a room at Leeds Metropolitan University was also occupied.[36] In Cardiff, around 200 protesters, after rallying outside Cardiff University, entered the building, and failing to gain entry to the vice chancellor's building, instead occupied a lecture theatre.[36]
There were also student protests and occupations on the same day across Italy, which were also designed to oppose cuts to university funding in that country. In Florence, protesters clashed with police, whilst large protests also occurred in Milan, Turin and Palermo, whilst they also stormed and occupied the Colosseum in Rome and another significant landmarks in the city.[41]
“ "The great majority of protests across the country [on Wednesday] passed off peacefully… The police let the demonstrators march through town centres and take part in some direct action. However, the actions of the Metropolitan Police yesterday were absolutely outrageous. It's a real scandal that the Met has taken these actions and we would urge them to change their tactics for further demonstrations." ”
—Simon Hardy, of the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts, [41]
During the Whitehall incident, the police publicly defended their use of kettling (corralling) in dealing with the crowd to the press, with Chief Inspector Jane Connors claiming that they had only decided to use it as "a last resort" and that "it's a valid tactic. Police officers came under attack and we needed to make sure the violence didn't spread out across the London streets."[36] Such a claim was however disputed by MP and leader of the Green Party, Caroline Lucas, who brought up the topic in the neighbouring House of Commons that afternoon, stating that "there are many hundreds of students and school children who have been kettled for over four hours and are going to be out there for another several hours, according to the police, in the freezing cold… whatever one thinks of the student protest, [holding people against their will in the contained crowd was] neither proportionate, nor, indeed, effective."[36] Following their actions, the police came upon increasing criticism for their use of kettling, particularly due to the fact that there were large numbers of children and young teenagers in the mostly-peaceful crowd, who were held for hours in near-zero temperatures.[41] At a meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority the following day, the Metropolitan Police's Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, supported the tactics, claiming that "we did get it right", but was heavily criticised in a "terse exchange" by Jenny Jones, a Green Party member of the London Assembly, who told him that "when you imprison thousands of people, which is essentially what you did yesterday, you do have a duty of care to them... You kept people for nine-and-a-half hours. You punished innocent people for going on a protest."[41]
Stephenson once again condemned the actions of protesters at Whitehall, just as he had done with the situation at Millbank, stating that "we have not seen this sort of behaviour for some considerable time… it was thuggery, it was disgraceful, [and] we are determined to find [those responsible for vandalism]." He further warned that "the likelihood is for more disorder on our streets. We must be prepared for it."[38] A spokesperson for the Prime Minister, David Cameron, stated that "people have a right to engage in lawful and peaceful protest, but there is no place for violence or intimidation",[35] whilst government education minister David Willetts responded by claiming that protesting students did not understand the government's plans.[35] Liberal Democrat leader and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg stated on BBC Radio 2 that "I hate in politics, as in life, to make promises that you then find you can't keep. We made a promise we can't deliver - we didn't win the election outright and there are compromises in coalition."[35] Meanwhile the leader of the Labour Party, Ed Milliband, responded to the events by stating that he would not rule out joining further demonstrations, and remarking that "I was quite tempted to go out and talk to them [the protesters]. Peaceful demonstrations are part of our society. As Labour leader I am willing to talk to people who are part of them."[41]
[edit]30 November

[edit]Central London protests
Further protests in central London took place on Tuesday 30 November, a day that saw cold temperatures and snow in the city. Protesters initially assembled at Trafalgar Square, but a line of police officers were preventing their march down Whitehall towards the Houses of Parliament, the same route that they had taken the week before. Due to the tactics which they had used, the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts accused the Metropolitan Police of "pre-emptively block[ing]" the protest route.[46] Subsequently, the protesters, who feared that the police would simply try to kettle them in Trafalgar Square (in a similar manner to how they had kettled them at Whitehall on 24 November), began dispersing across the centre of the city, running through many streets pursued by police.[47] Other police officers instead stood at the side, photographing and filming the students for later identification, whilst police vans blocked off certain streets.[48] Some of the protesters were chanting "Peaceful protest! Peaceful protest!", whilst others chanted "no ifs, no buts, no education cuts", and others played reggae music from a portable stereo system or blew vuvuzelas.[48] Many protesters ran on to Pall Mall and then past St. James's Park, but were denied access to Parliament Square, opposite the Houses of Parliament, by police. They therefore turned back around and headed in the direction of Westminster Abbey.[48] One reporter from The Guardian, who was at the scene, noted that by this point, "the march is fracturing – people are going up different streets and getting lost. Texts come through from the front, giving information." The reporter also noted that police continued to pursue protesters, and that "it feels like 'kiss chase' – or, when I see a policeman punch a boy out of the way, entirely without provocation, 'punch chase'."[49]
Eventually, many of the protesters returned to Trafalgar Square, where they were still unable to march down to Whitehall due to a heavy police line.[47] The police soon kettled those who were in Trafalgar Square, whilst some of those there - and who had expected such a tactic - waved banners with slogans such as "Don't put the kettle on, Mr. Cameron" and "I Can't Believe It's Not Thatcher".[49] The police "put lines [of officers] across all the exits" to the kettled area of the Square, but reportedly allowed small groups of protesters to leave, even though the majority, around 150 to 200, decided to stay and continue protesting in the snow.[50] Some protesters burned placards and one spray-painted the word "Revolution" onto Nelson's Column, a monument commemorating the death of Admiral Nelson. Others threw plastic bottles and fireworks at the police lines, and at one point there "was a scuffle as a knot of policemen rushed one of the protesters, grabbing him to arrest him, and the crowd flocked angrily to the area."[50] At another time, a group of riot police moved into the crowd of protesters in order to attempt to secure Nelson's Column, only to be surrounded by demonstrators shouting "Who's kettling who? We're kettling you!"[48] Other slogans shouted at police during the protest included "Shame on you!" and "Your job's next".[48]
One BBC reporter, Heather Sharp, talked to members of the protest, and learned that there were those who both wanted a peaceful protest and those that felt that a violent clash with the police would be necessary, whilst others commented on how they disliked the way that the media was characterising them; one commented that "I hate the way [the government and press] try and blame it on a small minority, everyone here is angry - it's not a small group of hardcore anarchists, it's just students who are very, very angry."[48]
By the end of the day, police had arrested 146 demonstrators who had refused to leave Trafalgar Square; 139 of them were arrested for breach of the peace, whilst seven were arrested on suspicion of violent disorder.[51] Seven more had been arrested in central London earlier in the day.[51] As one reporter noted, "above us, on the steps of the National Gallery, tourists look confused at this vision of Britain 2010, angry and fighting in the snow."[49]
[edit]Protests elsewhere

The night before, on 28 November, a crowd of two to three hundred protesters gathered outside of Lewisham Town Hall in south London, where a council meeting was then in progress, in order to protest against wider public sector cuts. Demonstrators forced their way into the building, where a smoke bomb was let off, while another protester climbed onto the roof and unfurled a banner. Riot police from the Territorial Support Group were called and several arrests were made.[52][53][54] One of the protesters, Sue Luxton, a former Green Party councillor who had subsequently become a teacher, told the press that "I wanted to peacefully express my anger at the cuts... People were angry that they couldn't get in."[54] Jeremy Burton, the Lewisham Borough Commander, later told press that "unfortunately due to the actions of a minority of people present a number of my officers were injured whilst carrying out their police duties", with 16 officers being treated for minor injuries.[52]
On the day of the main demonstration, there were also further protests across the United Kingdom, including in Cardiff, Cambridge, Colchester, Newcastle, Bath, Leeds, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Belfast, Brighton, Manchester, Scunthorpe and Bristol.[50] About 1,500 students, including school children, took part in the protest in Brighton,[55] whilst protests in Bristol involved police being pelted with mustard and ten demonstrators were arrested.[51] In Sheffield, police were pelted with snowballs as they guarded the constituency office of Nick Clegg from a crowd of two hundred protesters.[56] The British protests coincided with those in Italy, where demonstrations occurred in Milan, Turin, Naples, Venice, Palermo, Bari, Genoa, and Rome where riot police were called in to prevent students from gaining access to the parliament building.[57]
Meanwhile, whilst occupations that had begun the previous week continued at University College London, Newcastle University and the University of Cambridge,[58] a new one began at the University of Nottingham, where 150 protesters occupied a building.[46] University buildings and local government buildings were occupied in Birmingham and Oxford while police blocked an attempt at occupation of the council building in York.[59] The protesters occupying the council chamber in Birmingham left after four hours, with a police spokesperson commending the protesters for their "wholly peaceful" behaviour, and noting that it "couldn't have been more different from the violent clashes seen recently in London".[56][60]
[edit]9 December

[edit]Parliament Square protest
On Thursday 9 December, the day of the scheduled vote on education reform in the Houses of Parliament, two separate protests were organised in central London; one being led by the National Union of Students (NUS), the other jointly by the University of London Union (ULU) and the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC), with an expected 40,000 people attending.[61] ULU members handed out green hard hats with the words "Tax the banks, no the students" on them, whilst a rally was held in Bloomsbury at midday, where such speakers as Clare Solomon, president of ULU, addressed the crowd.[61]
Along the roads next to the Houses of Parliament, the Metropolitan Police had positioned lines of officers in riot clothing, along with several police vans, blocking any protesters from getting to the building. The force's superintendent Julia Pendry issued a statement in which she stated that "Protesters will be allowed sight and sound of parliament. However, there is evidence to suggest a number of people will come to London intent on causing violence and disorder. They are jumping on the bandwagon of these demonstrations with no intention to protest or interest in student tuition fees… those who are intent on committing crime will also be dealt with and they will suffer the consequences of their actions."[61]
Shortly after 2pm, the protesters, having marched from Bloomsbury, reached Parliament Square, opposite the Houses of Parliament, where they pushed down the metal barriers and occupied the central grassy area of the square.[61] Protesters began lighting fires using their placards, and a giant "NO" was painted onto the grass in the middle of the Square.
Around 3.30pm, police kettled those several thousand protesters who were in the square, preventing any of them from leaving, and stating that it was "due to the level of violence that our officers are facing."[61] Subsequently, mounted police charged into the crowd on one side of the Square in an attempt to disperse them. Police used batons to hit protesters, and a St John's Ambulance member told press that he had treated ten protesters for head injuries from being struck by police batons by 4.30pm.[61] One protester, philosophy student Alfie Meadows, suffered a blow to the head from a police truncheon that knocked him unconscious. Being taken to hospital, it was discovered that he was suffering from bleeding of the brain, and required brain surgery.[62] One journalist who witnessed the clashes between police and students, Jonathan Haynes, characterised the police tactics as "very heavy handed".[61]
Meanwhile, police told press that they were allowing those protesters who were young or vulnerable to leave the kettle, but those inside the Square commented that in actuality this was not always happening, and journalists within the kettle noted that the majority of protesters were unaware that they could technically leave.[61] One reporter, Jonathan Haynes of The Guardian, noted that at this point, police were refusing to let him or anyone else leave the kettle, even though he showed them his media card.[61]
At 05:41pm, news reached the protesters that the government had voted to support the proposals. Clashes ensued between the crowd and the police, and the protesters pulled along metal fencing to separate themselves from riot police, who were trying to push them all into the centre of the Square.[61] Later on in the evening, with the protesters still kettled in the Square, masked protesters smashed all of the windows on the ground floor of HM Treasury.[63] At 9.15pm the protest was forced onto Waterloo Bridge where it was kettled until approximately 3am.
[edit]Protests elsewhere in central London
Due to the Parliament Square protest being kettled, many other demonstrators could not enter the Square and so disseminated across much of the rest of central London. Some were separately kettled around The Cenotaph, where Charlie Gilmour, the adopted son of Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour and a student at Girton College, Cambridge, was pictured swinging from a Union Flag on the memorial; he later apologised.[64] Meanwhile, many of those students who remained around the area of Trafalgar Square continued to protest, with about 150 holding a sit-in in the adjacent National Gallery, while others attempted to set fire to the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree.[65]
During the protests, a car taking Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall to the evening's Royal Variety Performance at the London Palladium was attacked on Regent Street[66] and Home Secretary Theresa May confirmed a protester 'made contact' with Camilla.[67] Shops on Oxford Street were also vandalised.[68]
Theresa May issued a statement in which she "utterly condemned" the actions of the protesters, and declared that "What we are seeing in London tonight, the wanton vandalism, smashing of windows, has nothing to do with peaceful protest... Attacks on police officers and property show that some of the protesters have no respect for London or its citizens."[65]
Nearly 50 people complained to the IPCC about police behaviour during the various protests held around the country, with the majority directed against the Metropolitan Police, including complaints of violence used against protesters.[69]
[edit]Influence and success

[edit]Welsh Assembly
On 30 November, following the third main day of protesting, the Welsh Assembly announced that it would not permit an increase in fees for Welsh students. A reporter from the BBC noted that this meant that if the plans went through in England, "it would mean that an English student at a university in England could pay more than £17,000 more for a three-year degree than a Welsh student on the same course." .[50]
A writer in British newspaper The Guardian, writing several hours before the government vote on the topic, noted that "It seems likely the tuition fees bill will pass but I'd still argue that – whatever your view on the merits of the new fees system – the protests have been a success at least in calling politicians to account for broken pledges, something you see rarely theses [sic] days."[61]
[edit]See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to: 2010 London student demonstration
Funding Our Future
Browne Review
2010 student protest in Dublin
Crisis situations and protests in Europe since 2000
List of riots in London

^ "Thousands join London march in protest at soaring tuition fees". The Evening Standard. 10 November 2010.
^ a b c d e f g "Student tuition fee protest breaks into Conservative HQ". BBC News Online. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 10, 2010.
^ a b c d e "NI students in London fees protests". UTV News Online. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 10, 2010.
^ a b c d "Student protest over fees turn violent". The Guardian Online. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 10, 2010.
^ a b c d e f g h "Demo 2010 student protests - live coverage". The Guardian Online. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 10, 2010.
^ "Nick Clegg regrets signing anti-tuition fees pledge". BBC News Online. 11 November 2010. Retrieved November 11, 2010.
^ "Q&A: University funding". 2010-12-09. Retrieved 2010-12-13.
^ "Nick Clegg under fire in Commons over tuition fee rise". BBC News Online. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 11, 2010.
^ a b "Oxford and Cambridge students oppose fee increase". The Telegraph. 14 October 2010. Retrieved November 11, 2010.
^ a b c "Tuition fees protest 'unacceptable' says PM". BBC News Online. 11 November 2010. Retrieved November 11, 2010.
^ Harrison, Angela (2010-10-28). "BBC News - Oxford students stage tuition fees protest". Retrieved 2010-12-04.
^ "Sound familiar? Student protest in London turns nasty". 10 November 2010. Retrieved 10 November 2010.
^ a b c d e f "London student protest turns violent". Financial Times Online. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 10, 2010.
^ "Cameron Criticizes Policing of London Riot After Attack on Conservative HQ". Bloomberg. 11 November 2010. Retrieved 12 November 2010.
^ a b c "Promote the demo". Demo 2010. National Union of Students and the University and College Union. Retrieved 10 November 2010.
^ "Student fee protest turns violent". Reuters'. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 12, 2010.
^ a b c "The students and police I saw today were utterly dignified". The Telegraph. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 10, 2010.
^ a b "Students shake the halls of power". The Morning Star. 11 November 2010. Retrieved November 11, 2010.
^ a b "Students fight back against attacks on higher education". The Revolutionary Communist Group. 11 November 2010. Retrieved November 11, 2010.
^ a b c "Student protest: an ugly turn to peaceful demo". Channel 4 News. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 12, 2010.
^ a b c d e "Met admits policing of student protest was 'an embarrassment'". The Guardian Online. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 10, 2010.
^ a b "Student protest: the NUS lobby wasn't enough for us". The Guardian online. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 10, 2010.
^ "Student fees protest: Man arrested over fire extinguisher thrown from roof". The Guardian. 12 November 2010. Retrieved November 12, 2010.
^ "Man, 18, held in riot fire extinguisher probe". Press Association -via - Google. November 16, 2010. Retrieved November 16, 2010.
^ "Tower rioter says sorry". Metro. 25 November 2010.
^ "Student protest: youth in revolt". Cherwell. 12 November 2010. Retrieved November 12, 2010.
^ a b c "Student protests planned on a national scale on 24 November". The Guardian Online. 11 November 2010. Retrieved November 10, 2010.
^ "There's just something about Palestine". London Student. 08-21 November 2010.
^ "Conservative societies criticise Unions' anti-cut campaign". London Student. 08-21 November 2010.
^ ITV Daybreak Interview . ITV. 11 November 2010. Retrieved November 11, 2010.
^ "Student tuition fee protest: Infantile behaviour". The Telegraph Online. 10 November 2010. Retrieved November 10, 2010.
^ a b "Students in protest at Manchester University". BBC News Manchester Online. 11 November 2010. Retrieved November 14, 2010.
^ "Cuts protest: 'Nick Clegg must die'". The Guardian Online. 23 November 2010. Retrieved November 25, 2010.
^ a b "We Face New Era of Riots, Warns the Met". The Evening Standard. 25 November 2010.
^ a b c d e f g h i j "Students stage day of protests over tuition fee rises". BBC News Online. 24 November 2010. Retrieved November 25, 2010.
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r "Second day of student protests - how the demonstrations happened". The Guardian Online. 25 November 2010. Retrieved November 25, 2010.
^ Laurie Penny. "This isn't just a student protest. It's a children's crusade".
^ a b c d e "Top police chief warns of new era of violence and lawless riots as students gear up for third week of protest action". Daily Mail Online. 25 November 2010. Retrieved November 25, 2010.
^ "The other face of the student protests". Metro. 25 November 2010.
^ Adam Gabbatt and Paul Lewis (2010-11-26). "Student protests: video shows mounted police charging London crowd | UK news |". Guardian. Retrieved 2010-12-04.
^ a b c d e f g "Student protests: Met under fire for charging at demonstrators". The Guardian Online. 26 November 2010. Retrieved November 27, 2010.
^ "Edinburgh students occupy university in cuts protest". The Guardian. 24 November 2010. Retrieved 15 December 2010.
^ Coughlan, Sean (30 November 2010). "What's it like in a university occupation?". BBC News Online. Retrieved 30 November 2010.
^ "UPDATE: Students continue Radcliffe occupation". 2010-11-25. Retrieved 2010-12-13.
^ "Students join forces in protest over fees". Metro. 25 November 2010.
^ a b Coughlan, Sean (30 November 2010). "Students tuition fee protesters face police lines". BBC News Online. Retrieved 30 November 2009.
^ a b Fahy, Natalie (30 November 2010). "Fresh Student Protests Kick Off Across UK". Sky News Online. Retrieved 30 November 2010.
^ a b c d e f Sharp, Heather (30 November 2010). "Students march… and march… in central London". BBC News Online. Retrieved 01 December 2010.
^ a b c Gold, Tanya (1 December 2010). "Student demonstrations: A game of protest Monopoly". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 1 December 2010.
^ a b c d Coughlan, Sean (1 December 2010). "Student tuition fee protest ends in standoff". BBC News Online. Retrieved 01 December 2010.
^ a b c "Activities held in tuition fee demos". The Press Association. 1 December 2010. Retrieved 1 December 2010.
^ a b "Arrests Made During Lewisham Protests". 4RFV. 30 November 2010. Retrieved 01 December 2010.
^ H, Rachel (30 November 2010). "Demonstrators Rush Lewisham Town Hall To Protest Against Cuts". Londonist] (London). Retrieved 1 December 2010.
^ a b "Lewisham town hall protest broken up by riot police". BBC News Online. 30 November 2010. Retrieved 01 December 2010.
^ "Liveblog: 1,500 students join Brighton march against education cuts". Brighton Argus. 30 November 2010. Retrieved 30 November 2010.
^ a b "Police Arrest 153 At Student Protest In London". NPR News. 30 November 2010. Retrieved 01 December 2010.
^ "Students protest in Italy, Britain". CBC News. 30 November 2010. Retrieved 01 December 2010.
^ Raymond Brown (7 December 2010). "Students end occupation for street march". Cambridge News. Retrieved 9 December 2010.
^ John Millington. "Students take fight back to the streets".
^ "Fees protesters leave Birmingham City Council Chamber". BBC News Online. 30 November 2010. Retrieved 01 December 2010.
^ a b c d e f g h i j k "Student protests - as they happened". The Guardian (London). 9 December 2010. Retrieved 12 December 2010.
^ "Police tried to bar injured student from hospital". BBC News Online (London). 12 December 2010. Retrieved 12 December 2010.
^ Sharp, Heather (9 December 2010). "Protesters mount their last stand as fees vote nears". BBC News Online (London). Retrieved 12 December 2010.
^ "Pink Floyd star David Gilmour's son climbed Cenotaph". BBC News Online (London). 10 December 2010. Retrieved 12 December 2010.
^ a b "Royal car attacked in protest after MPs' fee rise vote". BBC News Online (London). 10 December 2010. Retrieved 12 December 2010.
^ "Royal car attacked in protest after MPs' fee vote". Retrieved 2010-12-10.
^ "Fees protester made 'contact' with Camilla says May". Retrieved 2010-12-13.
^ "Rioting students attack Charles and Camilla's car in tuition fees protest". Retrieved 2010-12-13.
[edit]External links

London Is Burning: 2010 Protests - slideshow by Life magazine
Categories: 2010 in London | 2010 riots | Anarchism in England | City of Westminster | Conservative Party (UK) | Higher education in the United Kingdom | Liberal Democrats (UK) | National Union of Students of the United Kingdom | Political riots | Protest marches | Student protests in London | Riots in London | Student protests in the United Kingdom
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This page was last modified on 15 December 2010 at 14:10."

Monday, 6 December 2010

will justin bieber be the biggest music pop star of 2011?

will justin bieber be the biggest music pop star of 2011?, it looks like it will probably be so, considering justin bieber is the most popular pop star of this current year.

this is mostly due to justin bieber teenage fans around the world, justin bieber probably has millions and millions of fans worldwide!.

justin bieber pictures, you can also set justin bieber pictures to be your screen desktop on your mobile phone as well, like apple iphone or blackberry mobile phones or any android smart phone, should let you upload or download a justin bieber picture onto the screen to get your mobile phone the justin bieber look in 2011.


justin bieber



this would make a nice justin bieber mobile phone picture for 2011


justin bieber best picture ever? (for christmas, looks chilly)


american x factor 2011 application audition form?

american x factor 2011 application audition form? americans should get applying for the american x factor 2011 pretty soon though they have quite a few months as american x factor does not start until late 2011, so plenty of time to get the singing practice in ready for the us version of the x factor in 2011.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

apply for x factor 2011 application audition forms now online

apply for x factor 2011 application audition forms now online and available at the itv website, its that time again, already, comes around very quick, time to fill in a application form online at the itv website and apply to be on the x factor 2011, well apply to audition to get onto the x factor 2011 tv show.

it is basically a form you fill in online i think at the itv website to be able to audition on x factor 2011, they send you back the time and place and date of where you will be auditioning, but first you have to apply online at the itv website i think by filling in a x factor 2011 audition application form!.

then qualify through boot camp and get onto the live show though only about 12 or 16 places to get that far!.

one direction names?

one direction names? this is one thing that is difficult to get right with there being 5 of them in the group the one direction names, but i have worked it out and here is the names of the one direction group.

one direction names x factor 2010 louis tomlinson
one direction names x factor 2010 niall horan
one direction names x factor 2010 zayn malik
one direction names x factor 2010 harry styles
one direction names x factor 2010 liam payne

can one direction win it next week in the final of x factor 2010?.


One Direction in x factor final through semi final 5th december 2010 results show

One Direction in x factor 2010 final through semi final 5th december 2010 results show, well they made it to the final this year one direction and are one of the favourites to win the show as well, one direction are a massive hit with fans and so get tremendous votes which is what you need to win, and this is one of the reasons i think one direction stand a good chance of winning the x factor final next weekend.

The X Factor One Direction sing Only Girl In The World The X Factor Live Semi Final

"The X Factor 2010: The boys have been hard at work to sing this Rihanna club song - but they've had to do it without mentor Simon due to illness. Can the boys pull together a performance without the direction of Mr Cowell, or will this be their chance to shine?"

mary byrne versus cher lloyd 14th december 2010 in x factor semi final results show

mary byrne versus cher lloyd 14th december 2010 in x factor semi final results show, who would win?, well mary byrne sang the best vocal, but cher lloyd got the judges favour, and so it is cher lloyd who makes it into the x factor 2010 final next weekend!.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

snow problems 2010 2011 in the uk again bad winter weather already start of december

snow problems 2010 2011 in the uk again bad winter weather already start of december!, the uk was nearly brought to a full halt today on first day of december and does not look to be getting better yet with more snow falling all the time, and it is nearly the whole country that is covered as well with a thick blanket of deep snow and ice problems as well do to the very cold weather gripping the uk.

if you live in the uk you only need to look out the window to see what the problem is with deep snow everywhere.

some videos of the weather to show the problems though the first videos seems ot have a american accent so might not be of the uk weather, but the colour and look is the same with a white coverage of snow.

also of not in the uk the snow is very deep as well, usually we get a thinnish cover of snow this year it is very deep and getting deeper if it keeps snowing, so make sure you have plenty of provisions in to cope with this bad snowy weather in christmas 2010 and winter at the start of 2011.

First snow day of 2010

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

Snow 1st December 2010

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

what the green movement got wrong gm? channel 4

what the green movement got wrong channel 4, this is a very good documentary i am watching right now on channel 4 and shows that the green movement used too much fear tactics in there message, and ended up causing more damage then good in a lot of areas.

one area that the green movement has had to take a look back over was there insistence that nuclear power should be avoided at all costs, and to stop america building 40 nuclear power stations per decade, which the green movement had success with.

so the problem was that by stopping america and other countries building as many nuclear power stations, more coal power stations where built instead, and so the greens had caused more coal power stations to be built, by blacklisting nuclear power.

now the green movement is looking to increase nuclear power now in a turn around to once being anti nuclear power, because the green movement see that nuclear is cleaner then coal, due to nuclear not causing green house gasses, though some people doubt the claims that there is a green house gas causing global warming.

but what is true is that coal does give off gases that might not be clean in the environment.

at the end of the day the green movement was always way too reactionary which in the end made them push there agenda in the wrong ways, rather then working with people and meeting them half way the green movement ended up alienating people to there green cause.

i do not think gm crops are safe though, the greens are now starting to say more gm crops are needed, but why alter crops when mother nature already provides healthy food, that can be grown on mass, gm crops are not needed and are dangerous to health, so the greens should not start pushing toxic gm foods.

on pesticides they said that they stopped the use of ddt, but this had a effect on stopping its use in africa where ddt was stopping malaria and before it had chance to clear up a lot of malaria in africa the use of ddt was stopped.

but gm is bad and does need to be stopped, franken food is not good food at the end of the day, when mother nature provides all the food the world needs, gm food is not needed, and has proven health problems.

gm foods being grown in america are to blame for killing off the american honey bee's, why is this not being mentioned on this documentary, america farms are using gm corn and wheat etc for about the last 15 years, and as that happened the number of bee's in america started to die off.

because the honey bees cannot handle the pesticides that grafted inside a gm plant, basically gm crops are designed to be toxic to insects to stop these insects eating the crop, so the bees come along and try to get pollen nectar from these plants to make honey and end up getting poisoned by the toxic gm crops.

the bugs get used to the gm crops, so the poison grafted into a gm plant is made more stronger, and americans are eating the poison left over in the plants as well as the bees the bees are dying off in america.

this below about gm killing honey bees

"To: World Governments

Something is killing honey bees, and even as billions are dropping dead across the world, researchers are scrambling to find answers and save one of the most important crop pollinators on Earth.

What is called "colony collapse disorder" hit bee keepers all over the world including half of the US last spring. Now it has spread to all but a handful of states.

Hives can go from healthy and active to dead and gone.

"In the Australian story, researchers have dissected bees that have died, and they have found that their immune systems have "totally gone to pieces".

As the global collapse of honeybee populations threatens the sustainability of the world food supply, some European organizations are at least trying to do something about it. Today, Britain's largest agriculture co-op announced it would ban eight pesticides thought to be causing colony collapse disorder. (One of them is called imidacloprid.)

In Germany's Baden-Württemberg state, 500 million bees died in Spring 2008, due to the insecticidal seed treatment agent clothianidin. Another example is the case of a Swabian beekeeper, who destroyed his whole honey harvest because it contained pollen of the GM corn MON810, after an administrative court declared the honey as 'non marketable'.

So far, there are few answers, but there is a long list of possibilities, which include pesticides and genetically modified crops, also known as GMOs or GMs.

However, I have been learning that not much is known about the accumulating impact of pesticides on insects, animals and even people when you consider, in this modern world how many combinations of pesticides are used. One pesticide by itself might not destroy honey bees, but what happens when farmers spray herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and rodenticides on land that also has genetically modified crops with pesticides built-in?
The United States grows nearly two-thirds of all genetically engineered crops. Last year about 130 million acres were planted with GMs. Much of the soy, corn, cotton and canola have had a gene inserted into their DNA to produce pesticides systemically throughout the plants created and patented by Monsanto. Monsanto also produces genetically modified crops designed not to die when herbicides are sprayed on them. In a perfect biotech world, only the weeds would be killed. But Mother Nature has a way of outwitting human designs. So, now the weeds are becoming resistant to the herbicide sprays and frustrated farmers are putting on more and more poisons.

What this genetically engineered trait does is allow a farmer to spray the herbicide right on the crop, which would have killed the crop, would kill the soybeans, prior to introduction of this gene. The gene comes from a type of bacteria that is found in the soil and it makes the plant immune to the herbicide.

The consequence of this is that glyphosate and Roundup, which is sold by Monsanto - the same company that also sells the seed of the type of soybeans that are immune or resistant to the herbicide - that herbicide has become the most widely used herbicide in the world. The consequence of that is you have one particular herbicide used on a tremendous amount of acreage in the U. S. and elsewhere, especially Argentina and Brazil.

As any biologist would expect, when you have such tremendous pressure on weeds to try to survive this herbicide, some of the weeds that are resistant are selected for and all their competition is killed off. The resistant weeds then proliferate and can no longer be controlled by glyphosate. Then you have a situation where the use of this herbicide has gone up, and on probably millions of acres, other herbicides are having to be used as well as glyphosate in order to control the resistant weeds.

So, what we've been seeing in the past few years is that the overall level of herbicide use is increasing, and it will almost inevitably continue to increase. In this case, it's causing the rise of these resistant weeds and the increased use of herbicides and potentially, may be harming amphibians to boot.

The active ingredient in Round-up is the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate. Glyphosate's mode of action is to inhibit an enzyme involved in the synthesis of the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. It is absorbed through foliage and translocated (moves through plant sap) to growing points. Weeds and grass will generally re-emerge within one to two months after usage. Because of this mode of action, it is only effective on actively growing plants. Round-up is not effective as a "pre-emergence herbicide." Monsanto also produces seeds which grow into plants genetically engineered to be tolerant to glyphosate which are known as Round-up Ready crops. The genes contained in these seeds are patented. Such crops allow farmers to use glyphosate as a post-emergence pesticide against both broadleaf and cereal weeds. Soybeans were the first Round-up Ready crop, which was produced at Monsanto's Agracetus Campus located in Middleton, Wisconsin. Current Round-up Ready crops include corn, sorghum, cotton, soybeans, canola and alfalfa.

So here we have it: GMO's Round-up and other pesticides are killing our Bee's, without them the whole world will face starvation!

It is the big pharmaceutical companies that need to be stopped. In the end, they will not only be killing bees, they will be killing us.

Its time we do something!
Kill the poison, save the Bees!


bit above about honey bees from this websitepetitiononline



Tuesday, 2 November 2010

facebook developers sold user data is facebook safe with your personal details?

facebook developers sold user data is facebook safe with your personal details?, well it has been all over the news about facebook workers selling peoples data, so does this mean that facebook is now not safe, as people put a lot of there personal information on the facebook site, so how can they now trust facebook with there personal information if it is selling this info for money?.

Facebook has not yet identified the developers that were breaking the rules, and says there were fewer than a dozen, none of whom were in the company's top ten, well probably not cause the top 10 facebook employees earn millions.

The company has suspended the developers for six months, but said the UIDs involved were not used to access private data, but is 6 months long enough?.

cher lloyd used to by a gypsy romany roots taunted as "pikey"

cher lloyd used to by a gypsy romany roots taunted as "pikey" at school, cher lloyd was only about 2 years old when her parents lived on the road in a caravan in a romany style gypsy lifestyle, but cher lloyd is proud of her roots as a gypsy.

but at school cher lloyd had a hard time being taunted as "pikey" by unruly children trying to bully her.

is cher lloyd single in real life or have a boyfriend?

is cher lloyd single in real life or have a boyfriend?, i wonder with all the dating rumours about cher lloyd supposedly meant to be dating every member of the x factor cast one new person is mentioned every week by the media, and the media is probably making it up anyway.

but is cher lloyd single in real life outside of the x factor 2010 show, or does cher lloyd have a boyfriend in real life due to all the dating rumours on the x factor show you would have to think that cher lloyd is single and not dating anyone in real life.

if cher lloyd did have a boyfriend in real life it would be not nice for the boy if cher was dating people on the x factor behind hid back.

i think cher lloyd must be single in real life otherwise she would be distressing a poor boy outside of the x factor 2010 world or bubble they live in while on the x factor 2010 show.

cher lloyd and katie waissel who cry's and weeps the most?

cher lloyd and katie waissel who cry's and weeps the most?, on x factor there are two acts that cry a lot cher lloyd and katie waissel, both are special cases, but who is the most special out of the two?.

a lot of people have been down on katie waissel like they was down on cher lloyd at the start of the x factor 2010 series, but now need to just leave these girls alone on x factor to do there own thing and perform and not be nasty to them.

cher lloyd getting special treatment on x factor by staff

cher lloyd getting special treatment on x factor by staff, cheryl cole is putting a lot of effort into looking after cher lloyd and says that she is a special case that needs to be handled with kid gloves.

after saturday's weeping and crying by cher lloyd x factor bosses and staff want to be careful with cher and see her as someone to look after.

Monday, 1 November 2010

x factor fans say Jamiroquai are rubbish

x factor fans say Jamiroquai are rubbish, Jamiroquai made his X Factor debut to a frosty reception from judges Cheryl Cole & Dannii Minogue thugh he called them 'talentless' in the press and so it was understandable, its all stress and disagreements between everyone it seems on the x factor at the moment really, peace and chill out x factors.

facebook news here, 100 million users details collected and published

acebook news here, 100 million users details collected and published, some bad news for facebook here with the Details of 100m Facebook users collected and published, some kind of security breach or is facebook safe with your personal information online?.

section of story below with link to full article----

Personal details of 100m Facebook users have been collected and published on the net by a security consultant.

Ron Bowes used a piece of code to scan Facebook profiles, collecting data not hidden by the user's privacy settings.

The list, which has been shared as a downloadable file, contains the URL of every searchable Facebook user's profile, their name and unique ID.

Mr Bowes said he published the data to highlight privacy issues, but Facebook said it was already public information.

The file has spread rapidly across the net.

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On the Pirate Bay, the world's biggest file-sharing website, the list was being distributed and downloaded by more than 1,000 users.

One user, going by the name of lusifer69, described the list as "awesome and a little terrifying".

In a statement to BBC News, Facebook said that the information in the list was already freely available online.

"People who use Facebook own their information and have the right to share only what they want, with whom they want, and when they want," the statement read.

"In this case, information that people have agreed to make public was collected by a single researcher and already exists in Google, Bing, other search engines, as well as on Facebook.

"No private data is available or has been compromised," the statement added.

from this website bbc news

jon stewart rally to restore sanity daily show some more news about it

jon stewart rally to restore sanity daily show some more news about it, found some more news on this hot topic from the jon stewarts daily politics show.

found this interesting news story about jon stewart rally to restore sanity which i found on the website cs moniter you can't beat a bit of gossip and that's what this story is like really, i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, finding some important news stories at the moment on politics.

part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----

By Stephen Kurczy, Staff Writer / October 29, 2010

Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington has sparked more than 1,160 mini-rallies in 84 countries, morphing into something of a global political happening.

The last time a political rally in America gained such international traction was during the 2003 protests against the Iraq war, says Timothy Patrick McCarthy, director of the Human Rights and Social Movements Program at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

"I have been surprised by the proliferation of rallies worldwide," says Dr. McCarthy. "But I’m not sure what it means. I don’t know if this is just an outlet for people who share frustrations to come together for some cathartic exercise of political relief. But one of the things I think is interesting is there is a lot of anger and disaffection across the political spectrum."

Both American expatriates and foreign fans of "The Daily Show" and its creator, Mr. Stewart, are organizing meet-ups Saturday – everywhere from London to Tel Aviv to Seoul – to concur with the rally on the Washington Mall.

While many criticize Stewart's gathering as lacking a clear focus, some Americans living abroad say it has inspired them to take part in next week's election. Mr. Stewart organized his rally in reaction to Glenn Beck's Aug. 28 gathering at the Lincoln Memorial.

from this website csmoniter

jon stewart rally to restore sanity daily show is it liberal propaganda conspiracy or good idea?

jon stewart rally to restore sanity daily show is it liberal propaganda conspiracy or good idea?, i think it is a bit of everything really, and probably a good idea to restore sanity in some ways or at least get the idea out there.

i found this interesting website about jon stewart rally to restore sanity which i found on the website i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, finding some important news stories at the moment.

part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----

“I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!”

Who among us has not wanted to open their window and shout that at the top of their lungs?

Seriously, who?

Because we’re looking for those people. We’re looking for the people who think shouting is annoying, counterproductive, and terrible for your throat; who feel that the loudest voices shouldn’t be the only ones that get heard; and who believe that the only time it’s appropriate to draw a Hitler mustache on someone is when that person is actually Hitler. Or Charlie Chaplin in certain roles.

Are you one of those people? Excellent. Then we’d like you to join us in Washington, DC on October 30 — a date of no significance whatsoever — at the Daily Show’s “Rally to Restore Sanity.”

Ours is a rally for the people who’ve been too busy to go to rallies, who actually have lives and families and jobs (or are looking for jobs) — not so much the Silent Majority as the Busy Majority. If we had to sum up the political view of our participants in a single sentence… we couldn’t. That’s sort of the point.

Think of our event as Woodstock, but with the nudity and drugs replaced by respectful disagreement; the Million Man March, only a lot smaller, and a bit less of a sausage fest; or the Gathering of the Juggalos, but instead of throwing our feces at Tila Tequila, we’ll be actively *not* throwing our feces at Tila Tequila. Join us in the shadow of the Washington Monument. And bring your indoor voice. Or don’t. If you’d rather stay home, go to work, or drive your kids to soccer practice… Actually, please come anyway. Ask the sitter if she can stay a few extra hours, just this once. We’ll make it worth your while.

Watch Jon’s call-to-reasonableness on The Daily Show. Keep checking back for updates and rally information.

from this website rally to restore sanity website

harry styles dating cher lloyd now rumours abound on x factor one direction and cher lloyd

harry styles dating cher lloyd now rumours abound on x factor one direction and cher lloyd, this is a interesting new story about harry styles dating cher lloyd i found on this website the mirror you can't beat a bit of x factor 2010 gossip
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, x factor is always my favourite interesting topic.

part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----

One Direction star Harry Styles has dismissed rumours of a romance with Cher Lloyd... saying she's not his type.
The heartthrob, 16, has been repeatedly linked with Cher, 17, over the past few weeks, but says they are just good friends.

Instead, he says he's got his eyes on another woman from the pop world - The Saturdays star Frankie - who he says is "absolutely gorgeous".
Harry and Cher have been pictured cosying up together but cynics suggested she did it as a publicity stunt to win over voters.
Harry - whose group sang Total Eclipse of the Heart on last night's show - said: "Cher's not really my type. She's a great girl. We've become good friends but that's it."

from this link the mirror

simon cowell and one direction new x factor 2010 boy band already created before end of x factor 2010 series?

simon cowell and one direction new x factor 2010 boy band already created before end of x factor 2010 series?, this is a interesting new story about simon cowell and one direction the new x factor boy band i found on this website now magazine you can't beat a bit of gossip, but are one direction ALREADY a band????.

i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, always a interesting topic.

part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----

Simon Cowell is planning to give One Direction a record deal whatever the outcome on The X Factor, it has been claimed.

The music mogul, 51, is already thought to have lined-up a manager for the boys - Zain Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan.

'He has said he'll sign up One Direction even if they don't win,' says a source.

'He was heard saying in one of their early auditions, "I would sign them now if that was an audition in my office."

from now magazine

cher lloyd dating kissing zain malik one direction band member x factor

cher lloyd dating kissing zain malik one direction band member x factor, this is a interesting new story about x factor 2010 cher lloyd dating kissing zain malik of one direction i found on this website now magazine you can't beat a bit of gossip
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, x factor 2010 always a interesting topic with something new going on each day.

part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----

Cher Lloyd and One Direction's Zain Malik are the latest X Factor finalists said to be enjoying a bit of a smooch.

'Cher and Zain are very much an item. They are completely into each other,' says an insider.

Both 17, the talented teenagers are believed to be trying to keep their relationship quiet because of Simon Cowell's ban on romance in the X Factor mansion.

'Things got a bit raucous in the house last week and they ended up kissing in front of a number of the other contestants,' the source claims.

'It was the hot gossip in the house.'

Show boss Simon asked One Direction to become good mates with Cher when the contestants all moved in together.

'There were fears that Cher was a bit frail and so Simon asked the band to keep their eye on her to make sure she was happy,' a source revealed.

Cher has already been linked to the boy band's Harry Styles and Liam Payne, as well as solo contestant Aiden Grimshaw.

from now magazine

Dermot O'Leary likes Cher Lloyd and Aiden Grimshaw X Factor 2010

Dermot O'Leary likes Cher Lloyd and Aiden Grimshaw X Factor 2010, this is a interesting new story about Dermot O'Leary liking Cher Lloyd and Aiden Grimshaw i found on this website metro you can't beat a bit of gossip from there about x factor 2010
i have posted part of the article below and there is a link at the bottom of the page to the full article as well, enjoy, always a interesting topic is x factor 2010.

part of article below with a link at the bottom of the page to the full article----

Who should people put their money on this year?
The standout auditions so far have been Cher and Aiden Grimshaw but the people who stand out early on rarely win the show. No one in the production team thought Joe McElderry would win this early on in the series last year.
Are there any previous contestants who you think would have done better than they did?

I worried about Diana Vickers but I’m glad she persevered with it. We always want the nicest and hardest working people to get through to finals because they have the best crack at getting a career. I’m glad she’s gone on to do very well.

from metro

cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw? x factor dating rumours

this is a interesting story about cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw dating on the x factor 2010, but i think these cher lloyd rumours a lot of the time could be made up by the news.

this is a bit of the article link at bottom of page----

what's this cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw rumour about?, supposedly cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw are secretly in love and dating.

i was reading some stories about this cher lloyd and aiden grimshaw dating and people say if its true they could be dropped from the show but i do not see why they would be dropped from the show, considering there has been relationships and dating between contestants on past x factor shows.

x factor blog

jennifer lopez on american idol 2011 j-lo time

jennifer lopez on american idol 2011 j-lo time, well is jennifer lopez simon cowell's replacement but she is not getting on with randy jackson though on 2011 american idol talent show.

news article snippet below--------------

“It’s so embarrassing that Jennifer keeps goofing Randy’s name,” one TV insider tells me. “If it’s not about Jen then forget about it. Poor Randy has a hard enough time getting noticed sitting next to dominating Simon and eccentric Paula but at least they both knew who he was. Sitting next to Jennifer he might as well be invisible.”
“It was funny at first but now no one is laughing,” a source tells me. “But the best part about it is, JLo has made it clear everyone must remember to call her Jen.”

from american idol net

simon cowell not on american idol 2011 judges panel

simon cowell not on american idol 2011 judges panel, with simon cowell gone randy jackson says no one can replace simon cowell, but that is not important.

this is a snippet of the article with the american idol story in it, for full story go to link at the bottom of this page, can't wait for american idol 2011, but so far with these news stories it sounds like the new series of american idol is going to be very very good, just can't wait, and after idol there will be the american x factor 2011 as well, all going on the talent show front in 2011!.

snippet of article below------

“There are no roles to play,” Lythgoe said last night at the Carousel of Hope Ball at the Beverly Hilton hotel. “Randy is Randy. People have said to me, ‘Who’s the new Simon?’ Well, Simon’s Simon. There’s no one else like Simon…Randy has become the elder statesman now. He is the one that says, ‘Who do you think?’ He’s taken control of the panel.”

from american idol net

Dutch girl on American Idol 2011???????

Dutch girl on American Idol, sounds like a dutch girl is on her way to do american idol 2011, strange story?, read more below.

this is a snippet of the article with the american idol story in it, for full story go to link at the bottom of this page, can't wait for american idol 2011, but so far with these news stories it sounds like the new series of american idol is going to be very very good, just can't wait, and after idol there will be the american x factor 2011 as well, all going on the talent show front in 2011!.

snippet of article below-----

The 19-year-old April Darby was selected from 15,000 candidates for the audition rounds of the American tv show American Idol and has just come through the fourth round with 130 others.

April, who lives in The Hague, was born in America but grew up in the Netherlands, says the Telegraaf.

from dutch news

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